Nyxia Unleashed (The Nyxia Triad #2)
Author: Scott Reintgen
Publisher: Crown BYR
Publication Date: July 17, 2018
Pages: 400
Format: NetGalley/For Review

Getting to Eden brought Emmett and his crewmates one step closer to their promised fortune. But surviving Eden may be the biggest reward of all. Discover book two in the trilogy Marie Lu called, “a high-octance thriller.”

Emmett Atwater thought Babel’s game sounded easy. Get points. Get paid. Go home. But it didn’t take long for him to learn that Babel’s competition was full of broken promises, none darker or more damaging than the last one.

Now Emmett and the rest of the Genesis survivors must rally and forge their own path through a new world. Their mission from Babel is simple: extract nyxia, the most valuable material in the universe, and play nice with the indigenous Adamite population.

But Emmett and the others quickly realize they are caught between two powerful forces—Babel and the Adamites—with clashing desires. Will the Genesis team make it out alive before it’s too late?

*I received this book from NetGalley and Crown BYR in exchange for an honest review* 

*Review might contain a few vague spoilers* 

Review: This book was just 100% amazing! It was even better than the first! There was just so much happening in this book. Lots of action, discoveries, lies, etc. So many things were absolutely not as they seem. The Genesis group sees the events of this book as a way to turn the tables back on Babel for what they forced them to go through in the competition.

Lets start with our group of winners. I really love how 13 out of 15 of them really bonded together and looked out for one another. The other 2 kinda disappeared trying to get a one up on Emmett but their little plan backfired once they learned the truth about some things. But the main group really becomes like a family in  this book. A bunch of them know pieces of the truth behind Babel's plans and actions. When they all put these pieces together and figure out a huge chunk of Babels lies and betrayal to them, they stand together against them. They really looked out for each other, not just while doing their "job" mining the Nyxia, but also against Babel and their people, potentially against the Adamites (which we come to know as the Imago), but even against other members of the group (a certain group of 2) which wants to hurt Emmett. I loved their "shoulder to shoulder" phrase, meaning they stand together shoulder to shoulder. Literally. 

I also really liked how Emmett and Mornings relationship grew. It was clear they had a connection when they met on the space station, and their bond grew stronger as they got closer in this book. And I'm glad that by the end of the book they actually start to think of themselves as actually being in a relationship. The official terming of it was a long time coming.

Another thing I liked was that we saw more characters that kept to themselves or didn't open up as much actually open up. For example Longwei. He was so closed off and unfriendly in Nyxia but he finally opens up a bit to Emmett. He also reveals some plans he's been making to Emmett. Emmett also tries to befriend the shier, more quiet people in the group that are kind of left alone and give them someone to talk to and let them know they have a friend in him.

Ok. Lets get to the Imago AKA the Adamites, AKA the indigenous population of Eden. Which also isn't the actual name of the planet. Babel just liked to make up names for practically everything and everyone instead of using the correct names. They aren't bad like Babel made them out to be. The Imago are actually decent people. They showed the Genesis group such amazing hospitality and friendship. They also had some ulterior motives for getting the kids down to the planet but nothing nearly as sinister as Babels plans. They knew Babel was a bad group of people from the moment they met them. And from that time on they planted a lie in the minds of Babels leadership that they wouldn't be able to resist, planned how to hide things from them, and planned a battle against them. The Imago are much smarter than Babel leads on. They actually have a much bigger plan in mind than just dealing with Babel. And its something they've been working on for a while! I can't spoil it because I have a feeling its going to be a huge part of book 3, but its much bigger than the small fish of Babel. 

Babel. Good lord. I hate these guys even more than I did in book 1. These guys wont stop with the lies and manipulations. During multiple calls from the Genesis group, they just kept feeding them more and more lies trying to act like they weren't doing shady stuff. The group knew better and the fact the Babel leaders kept lying just confirmed everything for them. We also learn that they had been planning their own attack on the Imago for a while and just used the Genesis kids and the mining operation as a cover to prepare for it. I can't spoil what they do, but they are just cold, heartless, soulless people. Only out for themselves. On top of that. We keep finding out there's more ships!! How many more ships do they have???? Like seriously. Apparently Genesis 11 and 12 were the planet side, sacrifice part of their plan. There's also a Genesis 13 of which from their brief appearance we assume were trained for attacking the Imago and apparently there's a Genesis 14 that's just coming into the space station at the very end of the book. So we have no idea what they've been trained to do. I just can't with Babel. There is so much shady business going on and more and more lies and secrets being uncovered everyday that I don't see any redemption for them at all. 

I am definitely looking forward to book 3! There was just so much going on and a definite cliffhanger at the end, that I have no doubt that book 3 will be interesting and filled with more action. 

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