Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

Series I’ve Given Up On/Don’t Plan to Finish (Submitted by A Book and a Cup)

1. The Gone Series by Michael Grant - So I don't have anything against this series. I actually read Gone and thoroughly enjoyed it. I gave it 5 stars back when I read it. The problem is that over the years I've progressively lost interest in this series. I even had the next two books on my shelves to read but I ended up just getting rid of them because they sat there for 3 years unread. So nothing bad about this series. I just don't have an interest in reading it anymore. 

2. The House of Night Series by P.C. & Kristin Cast - I loved this series back in high school. It was one of my favorites! But as the series kept going on, the books started going downhill. I think I forced myself through book 8 before I just couldn't read anymore. I tried picking up book 9 and I couldn't keep myself interested in it for the life of me. And I tried multiple times to get into it because I didn't want to quit the series so close to the end. But I just couldn't. Books 7 and 8 were really dull for me and it just made me lose all interest. This series was just dragged out over too many books honestly.

3. The Immortals Series by Alyson Noel - I loved the first 2 books. I also read these in high school and really enjoyed them. Then I read books 3 and 4 and was so bored through them. This is another series I really didn't want to quit, but I just don't think I could handle being bored through 2 more books. I think I did try to read book 5 and just quit after a few chapters. It's another series that I'd love to know how it ends, but not enough to actually read the rest of the series to find out. 

4. The Fifty Shades of Grey Series by E L James - Nope. Just a big fat extra loud NOPE! So I read the first 2 books. The first one was meh. Not anything to be blow away by and the second I thought was worse. I will never even bother with the 3rd or the other books from Christians POV. Don't care, don't need it. And then  don't even get me started on the issues brought up in these books. This is not a sexy romance. There's so many bad issues in these books that are just glamorized and that's not even remotely cool. There's much better books out there with sex in them that don't have the amount of issues these ones do. 

5. The Hush, Hush Series by Becca Fitzpatrick - So I tried reading this at the recommendation of multiple blogger friends. I tried. I really tried to get into this book since a bunch of people liked it. But I couldn't. I read a few chapters and had no interest. Not even enough interest to ever want to retry it and then the rest of the series. Sorry. I gave it a go but this series is clearly not for me, despite my wanting to like it. 

6. The Goddess Test Series by Aimee Carter - I read the first book because it was Greek mythology based. I gave The Goddess Test itself barely 3 stars. It was kinda of interesting, but also really really predictable. On top of that, I didn't feel a super great connection to the character either. I wanted to love the book more than I did. The fact I barely gave the first book 3 stars is the reason I'm not going to finish this series. If I wasn't super into the first book, I'm not going to be super into continuing the characters story going further. I love Greek Mythology, but not enough to force myself through the rest of the series. 

7. The Caster Chronicles Series by Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl - So I read and loved Beautiful Creatures and Beautiful Darkness. Gave them both 5 stars. But then I had to wait for Beautiful Chaos to come out and I started losing interest. The longer I put of reading it, the more interest I lost in it. Now it's just at the point I don't have an interest in picking the series back up again. Nothing wrong with it at all. Really good story line, just no interest in it anymore. 

8. The Divergent Series by Veronica Roth - This should come as no surprise. If you've been following me since I started this blog, you know I LOVED Divergent and Insurgent! They were amazing! And then Allegiant came out. Well. First of all, Allegiant was spoiled for me. The spoiler immediately made me lose interest in reading Allegiant back then. I kept the book thinking maybe eventually I'll read it. Yeah, no. Fun story guys. I got Allegiant a few weeks before I started dating my now Fiance. I've been with my Fiance almost 5 years now. And not once throughout those 5 years have I ever thought of picking it up again. In fact, I got rid of it about 2 months ago finally to the used bookstore. Whoever buys it though will end up with a signed copy. Yay them! But I'll never finish this series because of that certain event.

9. The Everneath Series by Brodi Ashton - This is another book that had some mythological inspiration. I read and enjoyed Everneath. It wasn't bad. But again, I lost interest in this series. Plus it's been so long since I read Everneath to begin with, I'd have to reread it to continue the series. And honestly that doesn't appeal to me in anyway. I have no issues rereading books, but I just didn't like this book enough to want to reread it to continue the series. This is one though that maybe, sometime in the far future I'd consider picking up again though. But as of now, I don't plan to finish it. 

10. The Lying Game Series by Sara Shepard - So I originally picked this up because of the TV show that was made based off it. I liked The Lying Game. It was interesting. But I think the fact it was different from the show threw me off and made me lose interest. Plus theres the fact that it went up to 6 books and I barely made it to book 2 let alone book 6. I love authors, but sometimes they just make series too long. This is another one I felt was too long for me to want to keep reading when the first book wasn't even a 5 star in the first place. 


  1. Oh wow. I love that there are so many older series... like I completely forgot about The Goddess Test series and Evermore and Gone but I agree on pretty much everything on this list. I have not finished a single series here (except Divergent) but have started them all :)

    I am a new follower of your blog :)

    Jade @ Ink Scratchers

    1. Yup! Lol. I'm actually finishing a lot of the more recent series published which is why they aren't on here. Lol. Yup. I tried so hard to finish a bunch of these but I just couldn't. Some of these got soooooo boring. Lol.

      Yay! :) Thanks for following!

  2. Yeah the Divergent series is totally not worth it, the last book was so disappointing.
    My TTT:

    1. Yeah. I had started it the day it came out and only got about 3 chapters in. Then it got spoiled for me before I picked it back up and I was like that's a negative. Lol.

  3. I find it hard to give up on series, especially if I've invested so much time into them. I really want to know what happens to the characters I've gotten to know! But sometimes it is better to walk away. Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. Same here! Especially if you've put like 2 or 3 books in already! Or more! But sometimes you just have to do it! I just look up a spoilery review or recap of it to find out what happens to the characters if I really want to know.

  4. I wasn't able to get through Hunger in the Gone series - I too gave Gone 5 stars, but it just wasn't a series I could finish. Great list!

    My TTT:

    1. Yup. I think at one point I actually read like a page or two of Hunger and then put it back on the shelf. I just lost so much interest in it. Thanks!

  5. I loved Divergent, but I happen to hate chapter 50 of Allegiant. I rant about it on my blog... years later. I never say what happens in chapter 50, but anybody who has read the book knows what I'm talking about.

    1. Heh. I just can't bring myself to read Allegiant. After everything that was built up in Divergent and Insurgent, what happens in Allegiant felt like a slap to the face. I'll just google chapter 50 and see what your talking about since I won't read it. Lol.
