ARC August is a challenge hosted by Read.Sleep.Repeat.

So I think we all know as of late I've been slacking on my review copies. Not as badly as I used to, but still. A few of them I didn't read because I wasn't in the mood for at the time and just didn't go back to them. So I'm gonna use this as a great opportunity to go back and pick those ARCs up and finally get them read! 

So the ARCs I have are a mix of both upcoming and already released books.
Ok, now in my defense, I was actually approved for Inferno after it was published anyways. So I'm not counting it as one I just slacked on and didn't read before publication. Lol. 

I did make an attempt at Furyborn before release date, but I just wasn't feeling it then. I've been much more into fantasy the past month/month and a half, so I feel like I might have better luck with it now. 

8 books seems pretty manageable. Especially since a few of these I know I can get through pretty quickly once I pick them up. So this is what I'm hoping to get read and reviewed finally! And all of these are NetGalley books, so if I get all these read it'll push me much much closer to 80% ratio!! :D 

All in all, I think the fact I only have 8 books needing to be read, 6 already published is actually pretty good. I've read and reviewed more books than not before publication this year so far! 


  1. Looks like a great list of books—Ignite the Stars is also in my ARC August TBR! Good luck!

    1. Yes! I suspect we are not the only ones with Ignite The Stars in our ARC August TBR's. Lol. Especially since it releases in September. August is the perfect time to read it! Good luck to you as well! :)

  2. These all look like great books but ones I would need to plan carefully since I need to switch up genres depending on how they affect me. I'd have to intersperse some plain mysteries or fluffy romance. Good luck! Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. Thanks! Definitely. I've been an a fantasy kick lately so I feel like I can get through a bunch of these. But I do have a sci-fi and a contemporary in there if I need a break from fantasy. Plus I'm gonna read these between my regular August TBR picks. And I have more of a mix for it planned, so I'll probably insert a few of those books between all the fantasy ARCs I need to read.
