Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality as a way to share all the books we got during the week!

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. Its a weekly post to showcase what books you got, recap the week, and talk about what will be coming up this week on the blog!

So we finally went and checked out the Indie bookstore right next to one of the used bookstore locations we frequent. Lol. It's called Mostly Books (if you'll notice by the bookmark. They give out bookmarks with the store info with purchases!) Anywhoozles. I found these two lovely gems I've been wanting to read. Which is awesome because the Barnes and Noble near me hasn't had copies of these in. And even more awesome, this bookstore also has a great variety of signed YA books. Unfortunately practically every signed book they had this time I already own. But good to know for future releases! :)

I also picked this up for kindle. It was available to buy for free one day last weekend I think. It's free to read with Kindle Unlimited but I don't have that but I've been really interested in this book. So when I saw it was free for like a day to actually buy I jumped on it. 

So this week I read Renegades. Despite the fact I wasn't sure I was going to be into the superheroes/villains plot, it grew on me. Overall, a 4/5 star read! Same with Throne of Glass. My other read this week. I really enjoyed finally starting the main books in the series! A lot of the events have me pumped to read Crown of Midnight. So another good read for me. 

Unfortunately, this was the extent of my reading. After I finished Throne of Glass I just couldn't get into anything. I tried picking up Furyborn. I literally put it down after a page. Then I tried to pick up my advanced copy of Ignite The Stars and only got a chapter in before putting that down. I decided to take a small reading break after that since I wasn't getting much to hold my attention. Instead I've just been trying to relax and got back into playing a game on the Xbox 360 that I haven't played in a while. That being... Fallout: New Vegas! I love the Fallout games but I've been dragging my feet on New Vegas since it's so open ended and I wasn't sure what way I wanted to go with it. Now that I have an idea of the end game I want I got back into it and its been great fun. 

This upcoming week should be interesting. Ana has another eye appointment. So we're gonna see if the patch treatment has been helping. We also get to find out where her eye doctor is moving to. She's moving to a different practice in town so we should be able to find out where and maybe, if she'll be able to take our insurance at the new practice (one can hope right). It doesn't matter though. She's so good with Ana we'll still see her regardless of whether we still have to pay out of pocket. Lol. 

We also might go to the shelter and look at the cats. They are doing a $5 feline event through the end of the month, so we might take a look and see if we find another cat to add to the family.

I've also decided to do Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon on the 28th. I decided why not since it's actually starting at 8PM on the 27th and I do a lot of my reading after 8PM. I think this will work perfectly!!!

On top of that, I'm also thinking about doing ARC August and I know I'm already going to do Bout of Books in August. I'm looking to make August a big push month for me to read a lot and get a lot of reviews up or scheduled! 

  • Review: Champion (Legend #3) by Marie Lu
  • New Releases: Week of July 24, 2018
I'm still working on what'll be posted this upcoming week. Lol. 


  1. Stalking Jack the Ripper was a fun one. I liked the budding heroine in that one. Hope all appointments go well for you this week. Happy reading.

    1. I'm hoping they go well too! Yes! I'm hoping it'll be a fun read for me. I know a lot of people seem to like the books in this series! :)

  2. Good luck on the readathon as well as on the kitty hunt. Bet you can find a great one!

    1. Thanks! I bet so too! We found such a great kitty last year, we wanna try and find another one! We love cats in our house!

  3. Brittani what's wrong with Ana's eyes (if you don't mind me asking) I ask as my 3yo also needs to put on a patch daily for 10mins/day so just curious.

    What a great find in the bookstore, we don't have a great variety on Indie bookstore in Australia or I've got to drive at least 40 mins to get to them as they're mostly located in the city area. Wish we had ones that had more signed books. I've heard great things about Stalking Jack the Ripper.

    Angelica @ Paperback Princess

    1. You know, I forget the technical name for it. But her right eye turns really far in while her left eye looks straight ahead like normal when she tries to look closely at stuff and focus on it. Her eye doctor has us doing the patching to strengthen her right eye so it doesn't turn in as much.

      Right! Surprisingly we don't have a lot of options here either (at least that carry YA books). We have 2 Barnes & Noble on either side of town, 3 used bookstores in varying places around town and that particular Indie. That Indie and one of the used bookstore locations is actually 40 mins from us. Its only on the other side of Tucson but its just a nightmare to get across town to it since our only Freeway goes around Tucson, not through it. I was surprised at the large selection of signed books! Same here! I'm pretty sure I'm gonna read it either this week or early in August!! :)

  4. Brittani how funny (not LoL funny) my son has the same problem. They think, for him was because he was premmie (29wks) that his eye muscle didn't completely form as a full term child.

    How long do you patch for?

    I also read to him when he's patched and then get him to find things on the page eg. Where's the birds, how many birds etc so it makes him focus, so far his eye is rapidly improving. We were getting told maybe surgery as he did not patch between 9 months till about a year ago and one of his eye was getting better whilst the other isn't and that's not a good thing. Now his eyes have evened out and with continuing patching he may not even need glasses. Like Ana his eyes only turn slightly (right eye) when he's tired and when focusing on something so most people can't really tell but it's there.

    Docs explained it to me that it's like a muscle if you want it to get stronger you just have to exercise it. I've also googled and believe it or not getting them to sit close to your phone or tv when they're watching cartoons also helps 😂

    1. Heh. We think Ana's is inherited. James has really bad vision and then his dad had a lazy eye. So we think it's a combination of genetics causing hers. We do 3 hours a day. That's what her doctor prescribed.

      We do things with Ana when she's wearing her patch. Doing puzzles (her new favorite thing), reading books, etc. We were told Ana might possible need surgery too. But it hasn't got to that point since at each visit there's been some improvement. Unfortunately, Ana does need glasses cuz she's just farsighted in general. But hey, she looks cute in them and gets so many compliments on her glasses!!! :D

      Yeah that's pretty much what Ana's doctor told us. LOL. It's not gonna get stronger if its not being worked. LOL. I believe it. If they're sitting closer they have to work on focusing more on it.

  5. I love the readathons, even though I missed out on the little 24 in 48 readathon this weekend. I almost never miss Dewey's completely, so I hope to join in at least for a bit.

    1. I missed out on 24 in 48 too. I literally discovered it like right when it was started and I was like NOPE. Not committing to that now! LOL. This is the first time I'm gonna do Dewey's. I'm excited!

  6. Yay for finding a good book store. I never really do gradation readathons or challenges but am going to check out the ones your mentioned. Have a good week.

    1. Right! Always nice to find a good bookstore! Have a good week as well!

  7. Hope you get some great news about Ana! Good luck on the readathon. Have a great week.

    1. We hope so too! We're hoping the patching has been helping! Thanks! Have a great week as well!

  8. I need to read Stalking Jack the Ripper. It sounds like an interesting read. I hope Ana gets some good news tomorrow and that your doctor's new practice will accept the insurance. Good luck!

    Nick @ The Infinite Limits of Love

    1. Yes! I picked it up cuz I've heard good things about it! We hope so too! And yes! I'd be so happy if the new practice takes it! I mean we love Ana's eye doctor and will stick with her regardless. But I can't deny it'd be nice not to have to pay almost 100 dollars out of pocket for every eye visit. Lol. Thanks!

  9. I can't seem to fit in the read-athons. This week I was traveling and next weekend well the 27th I have concert tickets and then I work. I hope you are able to get into reading some great books for the read-athon. Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. Sometime I can and sometimes I can't. So I like to take advantage of the ones I know I can fit in! Lol. Thanks! I have a few easy read ideas ready for it. So hopefully I get some good reading in! :)

  10. It sounds like you have a lot of plans. I hope the eye appointment goes well and you can find another kitty. I secretly want another dog, but I know it’s not a good idea right now. Good luck with the readathon! I’m signed up for it, too. Have a great week and enjoy your new books!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Haha. Yes. It's a bit of a busy week. I hope so too! I really want her eye doctor to say the patch is helping!!! LOL. We want a dog but it's so hard having one in an apartment. Especially since we don't want a tiny dog. Lol. So another kitty it is! Thanks! Hope we both can get some good reading in for it!! :) Have a great week as well! :)
