Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality as a way to share all the books we got during the week!

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. Its a weekly post to showcase what books you got, recap the week, and talk about what will be coming up this week on the blog!

So I picked up a copy since I'm participating in the Read-Along for this hosted by Little Blind Book Finds! And can I just mention how gorgeous this book is in person? :D

So this week I dragged through War Storm. I really struggled. I just wasn't feeling the events. When I finally finished it I only gave it a 3.5/5 stars. I just don't think it was that great of an ending. Meh. My review of Nyxia Unleashed finally went live! If you remember, I read it back in May but scheduled it for release month. I also finished Strange The Dreamer by Laini Taylor. I really enjoyed it! Definitely had a hard time getting into it though after War Storm. I swear my reading speed was killed from dragging through it. It took me 4 days to finish Strange when it should have taken only 2 or 3 with my enjoyment of it. Meh. Don't you hate when a book kinda has a damper on things like that? 

It was the 4th of July this week! We had fun! We made burgers and hot dogs and then went to the fireworks celebration in Marana, AZ. Ana loved seeing the colors! And it was her first time seeing them up close. She even took her stuffed Piglet (Piglet from Pooh) with her. It was lots of fun! :) I posted some pictures of the fireworks on the blogs Instagram if you wanna check them out!

  • Review: Strange The Dreamer (Strange The Dreamer #1) by Laini Taylor
  • New Releases: Week of July 10, 2018
  • Top Ten Tuesday: Best Books I've Read In 2018 So Far
  • Review: The Assassin's Blade (Throne of Glass #0.1-0.5) by Sarah J. Maas


  1. Children of Blood and Bone I hear is a good one! Enjoy.

    1. Yes! I've heard nothing but amazing things about it! I'm so excited to get into it! :D Thanks! :)

  2. I bought that when it was released but haven't made time for it yet. I've heard only good things!

  3. Brittani, yes it's so annoying when that happens. I feel that the dragging of one book can affect your reading mojo for consecutive books. Well done in getting through it though.

    Glad you enjoyed your 4th of July celebration.

    Angelica @ Paperback Princess

    1. Thanks! Ugh! It sucks so freaking much!! Like I had this awesome rhythm going with my reading and War Storm totally killed my momentum. Ugh! Hopefully I can get back on track since I finally got through Strange and picked up my reading again near the end of it. :)

  4. I’m glad you had a good 4th of July. I need to read Children of Blood and Bone and Strange the Dreamer. I’ve heard good things about both of them. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Thanks! I'm gonna start Children of Blood and Bone tonight or tomorrow so I'll update in next weeks StS/SP how it is. And Strange! Ahhh. So good! I regret letting it sit on my shelf for almost a year! It's so so good! Definitely pick it up when you get the chance! :D Have a great week as well! :)

  5. I remember when I first saw Children of Blood and Bone at Target I just picked it up because I knew there was no way I was leaving without it. It's just too pretty! Have a good week, and happy reading! :)

    1. It is! And I love how the actual cover is just as beautiful as the dust jacket! I love when designs are actually on the book as well as the dust jacket! :D Have a good week and happy reading as well! :)

  6. Children of Blood and Bone looks so enticing. I hope you enjoy it!

    1. I started it last night! So so good so far! Thanks!

  7. Enjoy the new book, it's one I'd love to read. Happy reading...

    1. Thanks! I definitely think its one a lot of people are wanting to read since its got so much hype!

  8. It's horrible when a book drags and it comes in to the "meh" range. Hopefully you'll have better luck this week.

    1. Right! Like I swear if War Storm was like 200 less pages, it would have been better and not so meh to get through. It was just too long for what actually happens in the story. Thus far I'm having a better time! :)

  9. Oh Children of Blood and Bone is the book Jimmy Fallon's fans voted on for his book club! I can't wait to hear what you think!

    1. Yes! I saw that! :D So far I am REALLY enjoying it!! :D

  10. I keep seeing Children of Blood and Bone everywhere! It gets good feedback so I hope you enjoy it. :)

    1. Right! It's definitely been getting a LOT of positive buzz. So far its really good! :)
