Soldier (Talon #3)
Author: Julie Kagawa
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
Publication Date: April 26, 2016
Pages: 380
Format: Hardcover/Own

The price of freedom is everything.

When forced to choose between safety with the dragon organization Talon and being hunted forever as an outcast, Ember Hill chose to stand with Riley and his band of rogue dragons rather than become an assassin for Talon. She’s lost any contact with her twin brother, Dante, a Talon devotee, as well as Garret, the former-enemy soldier who challenged her beliefs about her human side.

As Ember and Riley hide and regroup to fight another day, Garret journeys alone to the United Kingdom, birthplace of the ancient and secret Order of St. George, to spy on his former brothers and uncover deadly and shocking secrets that will shake the foundations of dragons and dragonslayers alike and place them all in imminent danger as Talon’s new order rises.

Review: I really enjoyed this book up until the ending. I loved the twists and turns. The secrets coming out. The action. It was all so good! But then the ending just kinda flopped it. 

So we start with Garrett arriving in London and tailing the Patriarch of St. George to learn more about what they could be hiding. And Ember and Riley hunting down the traitor Griffin because he's been selling out Riley and his safe-house network. Invigorating start. I was actually a little bit shocked about the truth with how St. George was getting their info for raids. Though not completely surprised. I was shocked the Patriarch agreed to dealing like this, not surprised though with all the secret keeping and lies. And of course Griffin the freaking weasel demands protection if he meets with Riley and Ember and tells him how much he knows. Lets just say I'm not at all sad about what happens to him, just bummed they couldn't get more info out of him before it. 

So I was happy that Garrett came back as soon as he found out about the stuff going down with Talon and St. George and the trap Ember and Riley were walking into. That is so like him to come back and protect people he cares about and needs as allies. The supposed breeder facility trap that Ember and Riley did walk into was wow. How long had it been abandoned? Did Talon suddenly find out Griffin or others knew about it and packed and jumped ship like asap, or had they moved it a while ago and Ember and Riley were getting old info? Questions people! 

I'm not super keen on the love triangle anymore. We find out Riley is Embers life-mate. That's why she has such strong feelings around him. But of course Embers human side is still in love with Garrett. Honestly, I wish Riley could win. I know already that he doesn't. But honestly. Does the girl always have to end up with the first love interest she lays eyes on in every book? I have nothing against Garrett. He's nice and all. I just don't feel much interest in him as the love interest. But he's pushed as the one Ember will end up with so not much I can do there. 

I was incredibly intrigued by the Eastern Dragon, Jade. I found her pretty cool and definitely wanna see more of her in the next books. Of course Talon is going after any dragons not a part of the order. They don't unity under one banner, they want to control everyone and have power. I'm hoping we get to see more of Jade and saving the Eastern Dragons from Talons grip. 

Ugh. Why do we have to have Dante's POV. He's seriously so annoying. He's freaking brainwashed by Talon into believing everything and that he's doing what's right. And he's still got that attitude of acting like he's trying to protect Ember and that she's just lost her way. I really don't care about Dante. The little brainwashed Talon operative. And how he's training all these vessels for Talon to use. And he let an entire freaking town be destroyed by them!!! I feel no freaking sympathy for Dante. He could literally due in a St. George raid and I wouldn't care. I don't enjoy reading his POV. 

The ending. Ok, I'm letting lose that someone dies. Not who, but someone. But I think we've all learned that most of the time when a main character dies mid series, it doesn't stick and they actually aren't really dead and come back later on. I know that's whats happening here and I'm not amused. Like do YA authors not realize we've caught on to this little trend and aren't sold when a character dies mid series anymore? This just brought down the book for me. 


  1. This is an author I'd like to read. It sounds interesting so it is mid-series? There will be more? I will wait until the next one is out to read maybe. It is always hard when a character dies. Young Adult fantasy is a tricky read for me sometimes. If it is historical it is probably better, they are less likely to be whiny teens in high school. Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. Julie Kagawa is a great author! Yes. It is mid series. It's book 3 of 5. All the books are out in it. The final book came out in April. The first book is Talon, then Rogue, Solider, Legion and last Inferno. It's a pretty interesting series. I'd also suggest Julie's upcoming release in October, Shadow of the Fox to read as well! I read an advanced copy and it was really good!!!
