Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality as a way to share all the books we got during the week!

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. Its a weekly post to showcase what books you got, recap the week, and talk about what will be coming up this week on the blog!

Guys!!!! I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am I got this. I sent in a request for it on July 9th just to try. I wasn't expecting to get it approved since Muse is so highly sought after. You can imagine my excitement when I found this in my mailbox last Saturday night!!!! Thank you so much Little, Brown BYR! :D :D :D

So I had a small issue getting these. They were supposed to arrive Tuesday, but the sorting plant in Phoenix sent my package to Yuma instead of Tucson. So I didn't get it until Wednesday after the Yuma post office sent it back to Phoenix and it got sorted correctly the second time.

I am also so excited I got approved for this!!! I absolutely love JLA's Lux series so this is like a no brainer as to wanting to read. I wasn't expecting to find it on NetGalley but when I did you can bet I hit that request button at warp speed. Lol. Thank you NetGalleyTor!!

So its Bout of Books this week! But we'll start with what I finished last weekend (if you haven't noticed I report what I've read Saturday-Friday since I post my StS/Sunday Post on Saturday mornings). I finished both Days of Blood & Starlight and Dreams of Gods & Monsters by Laini Taylor. Blood & Starlight was kinda bland. Gods & Monsters was better. Officially starting Bout of Books. My first finished book was the audiobook of To All The Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han. I figured since the movie came out why not get to the book. The second and third books I finished so far for Bout of Books are Legion & Inferno by Julie Kagawa. So I finally finished the Talon series! I'm also just about finished with my advanced copy of Ignite The Stars by Maura Milan. So I'm at 4 whole books finished for Bout of Books. I'm also listening to the audiobook of Hollow City by Ransom Riggs. Halfway through that. I was trying to read the physical book, but I've found I'm enjoying the audio of it MUCH more. But yeah. It's been a good reading week. And now I'm 2 weeks ahead on reviews!! And I still have til Sunday to finish more books for Bout of Books, so I'm gonna keep reading! 

I got my tattoo!!!! The first picture is a few hours after I got it, the second is a day after, after the redness subsided. Sorry the second pic is a tiny bit blurry. But I love it! The Night Court symbol with my fave quote from ACOMAF! As you can tell from the second picture, I got it on my back, in the middle of my upper back. Also, I swear I'm wearing clothes in the second pic. LOL. Tank top. I didn't wanna wear anything over it for the first day as not to irritate it. But it definitely wasn't bad getting it. For the most part the pain was very tolerable. The only parts that hurt a bunch were the stars and some of the lines right on my spine (more sensitive spots). But I still didn't cry or anything. So WOOT!! I'm incredibly happy with it and it was definitely worth the wait to get into one of the best tattoo shops in Tucson. And I really liked the artist I worked with. So I'll definitely be going back to that shop and working with her again in the future when I want more tattoos! And I also told James he should go there when he figures out what tattoo he wants next or to get his current one touched up. I really understand why it's so highly rated after my own experience there. 

We also took Brodie in for his yearly vet check up. He did so good! Fun fact, his vet is in the same plaza as the tattoo shop. LOL. But yeah. He got 2 shots. But he was such a good boy. He didn't try scratching the vet or anything. We went on an adventure after his appointment though. It rained while we were at the vet and half the roads between the vet and the apartment flooded. Monsoon season. We had to brave driving through a few of the smaller washes going across roads (benefits of having a jeep) to get to one of the main roads that was just recently rebuilt to deal with flooding. Don't worry, we didn't seriously endanger our lives. We turned around a good 3 or 4 times to avoid some huge flowing washes. James knows how much water his jeep can handle driving through and which ones are way to big to try it. But that was a fun adventure. It took us an extra half an hour to get home with all the turning around and detouring. I wish we had our dash cam on during this drive so I could show you, but we didn't (we're still getting used to having one). But man, what an adventure. 

I'd love to host another Read-Along or two before the end of the year! Let me know what books would interest you! I was thinking with some of the new releases later this year, maybe hosting a Read-Along for book/s prior in the series. Like Renegades before Archenemies comes out, or Lady Midnight & Lord of Shadows before Queen of Air and Darkness comes out. Just some ideas! Let me know if you have some you might like to see! 

  • Bout of Books 23: Wrap-Up
  • Review: Soldier (Talon #3) by Julie Kagawa
  • New Releases: Week of August 28, 2018
  • Top Ten Tuesday: Back To School Freebie
  • Review: Days of Blood & Starlight (Daughter of Smoke & Bone #2) by Laini Taylor
  • To All The Boys I've Loved Before: Book to Movie Comparison/Discussion
  • Review: To All The Boys I've Loved Before (To All The Boys I've Loved Before #1) by Jenny Han
  • August Wrap Up & September TBR


  1. I’m glad the books eventually showed up. Ooh, I love the tattoo! That’s really cool. I’m glad it didn’t hurt. I’ve always wanted a tattoo, but I can’t think of anything I care about enough to have it stuck on my body forever.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Thanks! Right. I was flipping out a little when they sent my package to the wrong city. USPS lost my packages before. I mean granted, I wasn't dating someone who worked for the post office then either. So I didn't have someone that could help me track it down. But still.

      I love it!!! I love books! All my tattoo ideas are bookish. I plan on having most of my tattoos be book related. I kid you not, I made a binder filled with bookish related tattoo ideas. LOL. My next one though will be a mix. Both book and family inspired.

  2. Exciting post with your tattoo reveal! Enjoy all the goodness from this week :-)

    1. Thanks!!! :D I plan to enjoy these once Bout of Books is over (besides Legion since I read that for Bout of Books, LOL).

  3. Exciting week for you! Yay for Muse of Nightmares. I'll look forward to hearing your thoughts on it. Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. Yes! I'm so excited about Muse!!!! It's been so hard not picking it up during Bout of Books. But I made myself promise not to touch it until Bout of Books is over. LOL.

  4. Yay in finishing the Talon series, I enjoyed it so much and listened to the audiobook for the entire series.

    Beautiful tattoo, just beautiful. I've also got my back done.

    Congratulations on 2 wks ahead on reviews and 4 books so far this week.

    Angelica @ Paperback Princess

    1. I started it on audiobook but then switched to the physical books cuz I was reading them faster than the audiobook was going. LOL.

      Thanks! I really love it!

      Yes!! This is the farthest ahead I've been in a while! I'm so excited! :)

  5. Ah, so jealous about The Darkest Star! Can't wait to read that. Hope you enjoy!
    Your tattoo looks great.

    1. Yes!!! I'm so excited I got approved for it!!! I love some JLA and the Luxen! And thanks! I really love it!! :)

  6. I am so not a tattoo getter. I love them on other people but never could bring myself to get his with that damn needle over and over. It looks wonderful tho! I love it. Have a great week of reading!

    Mary my Sunday Roundup 33!

    1. I used to be freaked out with needles, but not so much anymore. it actually wasn't that bad pain wise. Thanks! I love it as well! Have a great week as well! :)

  7. I have thought of a tattoo, but never did it. Looks good.
    sherry @ fundinmental Sunday Memes

    1. I've thought about getting a tattoo for a while, just never had the chance to get one. Thanks! I really love how it came out! :)

  8. I know I'm way late, but I had to come over here and say I LOVE the tattoo!!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
