Heir of Fire (Throne of Glass #3) 
Author: Sarah J. Maas
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Publication Date: September 2, 2014
Pages: 565
Format: Paperback/Own

She was the heir of ash and fire, and she would bow to no one.

Celaena Sardothien has survived deadly contests and shattering heartbreak—but at an unspeakable cost. Now she must travel to a new land to confront her darkest truth...a truth about her heritage that could change her life—and her future—forever.

Meanwhile, brutal and monstrous forces are gathering on the horizon, intent on enslaving her world. To defeat them, Celaena must find the strength to not only fight her inner demons but to battle the evil that is about to be unleashed.

The king's assassin takes on an even greater destiny and burns brighter than ever before in this follow-up to the New York Timesbestselling Crown of Midnight.

Review: So I really loved this book. I loved how finally in this book, I feel like the pacing and flow has smoothed out and I feel like I did reading the ACOTAR books now. I'm not feeling like its a chunky slower read now. So I'm so thrilled with that. I'm hoping the flow will stay like this the rest of the series for me now. I also loved all the new plot developments and twists and new characters introduced. This is definitely the book that really transitions the series. Its no longer just Celaena being an assassin and killing people and stuff. We see her transform from assassin to the long lost queen determined to save her people and stop the king of Adarlan. I just thoroughly loved this book. 

So lets start with the plot. Chaol and Dorian have pretty much put together their interpretation as to what happened the day magic disappeared. Including the points originated from (which happen to coincidentally be 3 random ass towers). Celaena/Aelin has been trying to figure out where all 3 pieces of the wyrdgate are (we're all pretty sure the king has at least 2), and it dawns on her in the last quarter of the book where it is. In the necklace she lost as a kid escaping from being killed in Terrasen. And she even remembers that she had it until a certain former master found her (aka, she's pretty sure he stole it from her). The king is also using the witch clans to build an army and also using his magic and the wyrdmarks to build another army with nasty vlags. *shudders* We even find out how the damn king did stuff to Aelin as a kid. She didn't realize it until she looked back on it, but he was responsible for something that happened to her before her parents were killed. I seriously want this damn king dead. And we meet the nasty queen Maeve, Aelin's aunt. I definitely do not like her one bit. Nasty vibes from her. 

Celaena/Aelin. I really enjoyed her development. She started out not wanting to even acknowledge her birthright and her other name. She did not want to be called Aelin, she has no plans to reclaim her throne. Nothing. She just wanted info to defeat the king. But as she trains with Rowan, learns more about things going on, reflecting on Nehemia's words, and after the big battle with the vlag princes and the general that snuck his way near Mistward, she finally comes to terms with things. She starts to see her Fae heritage isn't all bad. She learns to shift and control her powers. And after what the king does to all the slaves in Endovier and Callacula, she comes to terms with the fact she needs to take up her throne and destiny as Aelin in order to fight for and free all her people, Nehemia's people, Adarlans people. She needs to do it to save everyone. I just loved her growth. I also LOVED the fact she stood up to Maeve. 

I definitely like Rowan. I wasn't super keen on his attitude for the first third of the book, but he grew on me. Especially after we find out his past. I'd be incredibly closed off and bitter if that was in my past as well. But he also does open up to Aelin once he finds out she has her own secrets. Especially regarding Endovier. It's like realizing they both had some dark things in their pasts helped them grow as friends and bring them closer. I also really liked that Rowan refused to let Aelin give up on her training. We all know she is a VERY stubborn girl but I'm glad he didn't let her just walk away. I'm also incredibly happy he no longer is attached to Maeve. I really don't like her if you haven't figured that out yet (hint hint, the mentions above). 

Dorian and Chaol. Ugh. God. I feel for Dorian. He finally, after finding out so much info about his dad and the plans he has and what he's done, decides to stand against him. He finally chooses anyone but his father. I was so proud of him for that. And then it seems like he's finally moving on from Celaena and then his new love interest is killed at the end. And then what his father does to him with that damn wyrdmark collar. Ahhhhhh. No. This poor guy can't catch a break. I was never interested in him being Celaena's love interest, but he's not a bad person. And Chaol. I'm torn on him. I really hate that he continues to be so disgusted with certain parts of Celaena/Aelin. She is who she is. She can't hide or deny that, especially now. Why keep holding so much of her true identity against her. And the fact it took him all the freaking book to finally make a freaking decision regarding being a good Captain of the Guard to the king, going back to Anielle, or standing up for what he knew was right. Oy. Like seriously. He finally stands against the king and even throws his support for Dorian as king at the very end. And finally decides he's not going back to Anielle like right at the end. Like seriously? He was meeting with Aedion and the rebellion the entire book pretty much. He was still feeling better about the fact he sent Celaena/Aelin to Wendlyn. He clearly knew what side he was on. He was just so stubborn about actually acknowledging it. I don't think Chaol is a bad person, but he's not exactly good or the most mature either. We'll see about his actions going forward. 

Aedion. I was not a fan in the beginning. I was not in the mood for one of Aelins own family to be working against her with the king. Luckily we find out he's actually working for the rebellion and has been playing the king for a while. Aedion grew on me really quickly. He might be a bit arrogant and smug for a while, but he's not a bad person. And I was so thrilled seeing his reaction to actually knowing his cousin is alive, not just a rumor. Once he found that out, he was pretty much all hands on deck to start finding the remnants of her parents court and to gain more support to help her. I really can't wait for Aelin and Aedion to be reunited. They both have done some not so great things in the past, but they are family and they deserve to be reunited. I definitely felt bad for what happened to him at the end too. Not even close to fair. It sucks he and Chaol couldn't have escaped together. :(

Manon. Despite the fact the witches are working against Aelin and company in this book, I liked Manon. Not as much as other characters, but I don't see her as evil. Mostly because of her actions. She might be having to do bad things right now, but as a individual, she speaks volumes. Choosing the small, weak, bait as her mount because she could see he was a warrior inside. Saving the heir to one of the other covens even though it earned her a huge scolding from her grandmother (the matron of her own clan). I think her actions speak more to Manons character than what she's been thrown into for the king. 

I am so excited to read Queen of Shadows now! I have to know what's going to happen to all our characters!!! 


  1. OK I'm listening to this series but no time to go forward right now so I didn't read your review in depth since I don't want to be spoiled but I'm really happy to see you loved it. Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. Yes! I definitely think this book is the turning point for the series. It upped everything so much. Really really good.
