Legion (Talon #4)
Author: Julie Kagawa
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
Publication Date: April 25, 2017
Pages: 384
Format: Hardcover/Own
Author: Julie Kagawa
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
Publication Date: April 25, 2017
Pages: 384
Format: Hardcover/Own
The legions are about to be unleashed, and no human, rogue dragon or former dragon slayer can stand against the coming horde.
Dragon hatchling Ember Hill was never prepared to find love at all—dragons do not suffer human emotions—let alone the love of a human, and a former dragonslayer at that. With ex-soldier of St. George Garret dying at her feet after sacrificing his freedom and his life to expose the deepest of betrayals, Ember knows only that nothing she was taught by dragon organization Talon is true. About humans, about rogue dragons, about herself and what she’s capable of doing and feeling.
In the face of great loss, Ember vows to stand with rogue dragon Riley against St. George and her own twin brother Dante—the heir apparent to all of Talon, and the boy who will soon unleash the greatest threat and terror dragonkind has ever known. Talon is poised to conquer the world, and the abominations they have created will soon take to the skies, darkening the world with the promise of blood and death to those who will not yield.
*Spoilers if you haven't read the previous books*
Review: So I have to admit, in the beginning, I was not super confident in the story because of how things were going in the first part. We see Ember lead the group into yet again, another trap set by Talon. I honest to god almost DNF'ed this book after that. I'm seriously sick of how stupid Ember is with her brother and thinking he won't just turn them over or have plans to get them in place. Like I swear guys, this girl just won't get it. I was like oh wow, they all got caught by Talon, I'm so shocked. *Sarcasm*
I obviously was not a huge fan of the beginning. Ember has not grow much at all regarding Dante. She is still incredibly naive thinking Dante had not planned for anything with their little rogue group. She still thinks her brother is loyal to her, when he's made it perfectly clear he is VERY loyal to Talon. However, in regards to Garrett and Riley, Ember did grow a little. She finally told Riley (much to my dismay) that she didn't want him waiting for her and wanting her just because of the life-mate bond. So she chose Garrett. While I am glad she grew a little bit with this and finally stopped leading them both on, I'm still kinda meh about her choosing Garrett. I understand she loves him and he's a good guy, but idk, I just wish every book didn't end up with the main character choosing the first main love interest that passes them by. But I do like that Ember and Garrett did finally come together and decide to warn the Order about Talon instead of letting all of them die like Riley was planning initially just to protect his rogues.
I just want to strangle Dante. I swear reading anything from his perspective just makes me want to throttle him. He's so brainwashed into thinking Talon wants whats best for them. It's pathetic. He is literally in charge of destroying an entire town and building a soulless dragon vessel army. Talon has no ones best interests in mind. It doesn't matter that Ember is the Elder Wyrm's own blood. They clearly didn't breed her for a good use. Does Dante know what they actually bred Ember for?? Because if he does, he clearly does not care about his sister like he claims. If he doesn't then maybe him finding out will be a freaking wake up call for the idiot!! Ugh!!! Dante just makes me so mad!
I have to say, Talon has got some balls. Planning to take out all that they are doing in one night. They clearly had these plans in motion for a very long while. We all know their plans are also not just to protect their species. Talon wants power over everyone, pure and simple. They couldn't give two shits about preserving the dragon species. They only care about asserting their power over the entire world. They want control over every dragon, and they want to world to bow to them. They are power hungry monsters.
I am also glad that at least one other person besides Tristan in the Order was willing to listen to what Garrett needed to warn them about, and even put aside differences and accept the help of the rogue dragons to push off Talon's attack. I am sorely disappointed it seems like most other chapter houses didn't take the threat as seriously. I mean, I feel like some people might have survived the attacks, but since so many were weary of where the info came from, I'm sure they didn't prepare like they should have thinking it was a hoax from Talon.
I do have to say, I was surprised with who defected to the rogues and who she is working for. I was definitely not seeing either of those coming. I'm sure they will play some big parts in Inferno. Despite a shaky start, the ending of this was actually really great! Hoping Inferno will be a solid finale to the series!
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