Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality as a way to share all the books we got during the week!

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. Its a weekly post to showcase what books you got, recap the week, and talk about what will be coming up this week on the blog!

So I've heard such great things about the Nevernight books and I've been dying to see why everyone likes them so much!! 

So yeah, you know, my plan was to only get the 3 Jay Kristoff books when I went to the library. Obviously I found 5 other books. I have no self control at the library and should not be trusted with my library card. LOL.

So it's been a slower week. I read Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake. That ending! I'm going to be buying One Dark Throne and Two Dark Reigns this weekend! I need to know what's happening next. Ahhh. I also finished the audiobook of A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab. Really interesting!! Definitely can't wait to read more. I'm also working my way through Muse of Nightmares by Laini Taylor. Ahhh. So many interesting things happening. I should finish it this weekend. 

So since Thursday I've been taking part in #DEARathon (Drop Everything And READathon) on Twitter. It's a fun random readathon hosted by the booktubers Little Book Owl and Little Red Reader! Readathons are announced a few days or a week or so in advance. This one is from the 6th-8th. It's been so fun! I've been doing a bunch of the Twitter sprints and making good progress. It's also fun cuz the two hosts are actually reading Muse of Nightmares as well (they are ahead of me) so we've been talking a bit with each other about it. 

It's been a week guys. Like seriously. Maintenance and pest control requests to our apartment management that have gone ignored. We haven't had issues getting stuff done for a while now but all of a sudden now it's been a week and both have yet to be fulfilled despite them saying "we're on the list." Usually they get shit done in 2 days and I've seen the maintenance people doing bullshit that could easily wait since it doesn't help the PAYING tenants. Like doing something in the laundry room NO ONE USES (all apartments have washers and dryers now). Or going into empty apartments (cough above me cough) just to do something with a broom. Not sure how that trumps the paying tenants that need stuff done but whatever. Also spend Wednesday evening in the ER with Ana having hip pain from falling on it. She's ok, nothing broken or sprained. She just landed wrong on it and needed a few days of children's ibuprofen to help with the pain so it could heal. She's back to her normal self again. But I'm tired. We were at the ER til almost 10PM Wednesday. Not to mention I've been getting up early in case maintenance shows but since they haven't, it's been for nothing so far and I'm exhausted. It's been a long week.

But on the bright side, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY (the 8th, Saturday). WOOT WOOT! I'm officially 25! James got me a cake and a bunch of presents (a few surprises). And he's gonna take me out for dinner after work. I think it's gonna be a good birthday!!! :D 

  • 2018 Dystopia Reading Challenge: September Link-Up
  • Review: Shadow of the Fox (Shadow of the Fox #1) by Julie Kagawa
  • New Releases: Week of September 11, 2018
  • Review: Inferno (Talon #5) by Julie Kagawa
  • Review: P.S. I Still Love You (To All The Boys I've Loved Before #2) by Jenny Han


  1. Haha, I’m the same with libraries and bookstores. I go to get 1 book and come home with 5. Books are better in herds! Happy birthday! Sorry about all the problems. I hope Ana feels better soon.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Yes they are! Lol. At least at the bookstore I have more self control since those actually cost money! LOL. Thanks!!! :D It's ok, just frustrating. She seems to be doing better already! :)

  2. Happy birthday and enjoy your great books! Here's to a better week and year ahead. Anne - Books of My Heart

  3. Nevernight is one of my favorite books ever!

    1. I've heard such amazing things about it! I'm so excited to start it! :)

  4. I'm so excited for you to start Nevernight! I really loved it and can't wait to read the second in the series soon!

    1. I'm so excited to start it!!! I've heard so many amazing things about it which is what led me to go get it!!

  5. Wow, that does sound like a week alright. I've noticed that I tend to have such weeks before my birthday somehow :D anyway, happy belated birthday! I hope it was a good one :)

    1. Right! I just don't understand why we're having such an issue getting our requests taken care of. They usually have it done in 2 days. Thanks!!! It was such a good one! I'll have my birthday haul next week!! :)

  6. Oooh! I've been wanting to get the Grisha trilogy series! Love the look of that cover! Have a great week!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays and Cover Spotlight!

    1. Right! It's beautiful! Have a great week as well! :)

  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY - I hope you had an amazing day!

    I'm exactly the same at the library. I must take out ALL THE BOOKS.

    I have a copy of Ash Princess on my TBR that I need to get to!

    Enjoy your new books!
    My STS post!

    1. Thank you!!! I did!!! My fiance spoiled the hell outta me! Lol. RIGHT!!! Like I swear I lose all self control when I see all those books sitting there taunting me to check them out. LOL. Definitely! I picked it up since I've been eyeballing it, but didn't wanna buy it since it's got some mixed reviews. Now I can try it and see if I do wanna buy a copy. Thanks!

  8. I wish we had such advanced libraries here :) That's an amazing haul and I hope you enjoy all of these books :)
    And happy belated birthday :) I hope it was good. I hope Anna feels better.

    My wrap-up:

    1. I feel really lucky my library has such a good selection. It wasn't always like that though. It actually took me starting to request a lot of newer stuff in 2011-2013 for them to start getting more new stuff more often. Right! I'm so excited with my finds! Thank you!! It was very good!!! :) And she's feeling better. I think it was just the first two days after it happened that she was struggling with some pain. She's healing pretty well now. :)

  9. Fingers crossed that the pest control issues are resolved quickly!
    I wish my library had that selection of books.

    1. UGH! Yes! I hate ants, we've been trying everything we can. Ant spray, ant bait traps, etc. But they are still lingering around. I swear its like this year a nest popped up right next to the apartment so they just free flowed towards it. Obviously we need to pest control guy to come take care of the bigger issue. Hoping he comes this Wednesday! I feel pretty lucky that my library has a good selection of books.

  10. Bwahahaha I understand why you came back with more than planned from the library! Never let me lose in one because you never know how many books I'll take. And Happy Birthday! Sophie @bewareofthereader

    1. RIGHT!!!!! I lose all self control at the library. Mine has a 25 book limit for checkouts so that's like asking me to get all the books. LOL. Thanks!! :D

  11. Good to hear Ana is back to normal and it wasn't anything serious. And sorry about the maintenance woes and hope they get to you soon. And Happy Birthday! I hope its a fun day for you:)

    My Sunday Post

    1. Yes!! I hope so. It's just aggravating because I can literally see them doing stuff that's not important to the paying tenants who need work done. Thank you!!! :) It was a fantastic day!!! :D

  12. Happy belated birthday! Hopefully the apartment people will get it together and send someone out to handle everything this week. In our last apartment, our oven caught fire two weeks before Thanksgiving. The apartment people cut it real close and didn't fix it until the day before Thanksgiving!!! Totally messed up all my cooking plans.

    1. Thanks! Well it's Wednesday now. My fiance went up to the office and had to have us put on the list again. UGH. It's like the 2 leasing/office people didn't do shit. He talked to the assistant manager (whose always made sure to help us) this time to get on the pest control list and he talked to the maintenance supervisor directly since it hasn't got done. So hopefully today things will get done! That really sucks! When we originally moved into this apartment our roof was leaking during monsoon season and it took them 3 weeks to fix it! We had water leaking for 3 weeks.
