So September went back to being a normal reading month for me. Another 12 books finished! I probably could have finished more, but I got sick about halfway through the month and it put a temporary stop on my reading for 4 or 5 days. Bleck! But still. 12 books is solid! Reviews that are live are linked. If it's not linked, it's scheduled for sometime in the next two weeks.

What I Read This Month:
So Muse of Nightmares!!! Ahhh. SO SO GOOD!! Man. So much happened. And I finally read The Cruel Prince and Three Dark Crowns and absolutely loved both of them! :D

Wow guys. I didn't even realize putting together the images, that I made an entire line of 5 star reads. LOL. So I've come to realize that since Heir of Fire I've been easily 5 starring ever ToG book, but each book for different reasons than the last. I like that each one gives me different reasons to loved it. And Impostors!! Guys. You guys know I've been happily waiting for this. New Uglies books?? YES PLEASE! Impostors was great. It stayed true to ideas and events in the original books while also introducing a wonderful intriguing new story. LOVE! And Wildcard! Ok. So I've noticed something. It seems like people are half and half, but I've noticed a specific half and half. It seems like the people that LOVED and 5 starred Warcross felt meh about Wildcard. But then people like me who were super meh about Warcross LOVED Wildcard. I personally thought it was fantastic and MUCH better and not predictable like Warcross was. 

  • The Last of August (Charlotte Holmes #2) by Brittany Cavallaro (4/5 Stars)
  • The Case for Jamie (Charlotte Holmes #3) by Brittany Cavallaro (4.5/5 Stars)
  • Always and Forever, Lara Jean (To All The Boys I've Loved Before #3) by Jenny Han (5/5 Stars)
  • Furyborn (The Empirium Trilogy #1) by Claire Legrand (DNF 1/5 Stars)

So I'm all caught up on the Charlotte Holmes novels! I really like them. Such fun mystery books! I was pretty happy with the ending to Always and Forever, Lara Jean. Ok, lets talk about the elephant in my wrap-up. I DNF'ed Furyborn. I tried so hard guys. I've tried reading it 4 separate times and only managed to get 33% of the way (about 150-160 pages). This is my first DNF this year. I just couldn't. I didn't feel much towards either character. It was confusing me as to who is supposed to be what queen. The worlds didn't really feel much different even being 1000 years apart. I really wanted to love it but I just can't. I did write up a DNF review for it since I did get 150ish pages in and it was from NetGalley. I did notice I wasn't the only one that had some of these issues. It seems like Furyborn was either a big hit or a huge miss depending on the person.

Happenings On The Blog:

Posts I Enjoyed Around The Blogosphere:

Hehe. So I've clearly made a more Halloween/October Themed graphic for this. :D I'm so excited for October guys. Like you have no idea!!! :D :D :D You'll also notice a fair amount of my October reads have a darker, or Halloween type of feel. 

So obviously minus Kingdom of Ash, these are all books from my September TBR that I wasn't able to get to. I almost had time for Tower of Dawn. I just cut it too close to the end of the month with finishing Empire of Storms. 

So obviously I'm planning to catch up on the Three Dark Crowns series!!! And Beneath The Citadel comes out on October 9th! So I'm reading that. I actually am already about 5 chapters into it, but obviously I'll be finishing the bulk of it in October!

If you've been following me this month, you'll know I did start Nevernight. Just haven't got back to it yet. Got distracted by other books. Lol. And I've been saving This Savage Song just for October. 


  1. Wow, you read a lot of really good books. I wish my reading month was that successful. Thanks for giving my post a shout-out. Happy October!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Thanks! :) Haha. It almost wasn't this great. I read 5 books the last full week to make it to 12! LOL. No prob! I love your posts! They are always so interesting! :)

  2. Such great stuff you have there. I really want to get to the Sarah J Maas series. I have collected it all on audio. Anne - Books of My Heart

  3. Thanks! Definitely! I'd definitely say if she likes Sarah J. Maas to check out Holly Black and Kendare Blake. :)

  4. The Darkest Star is on my October TBR as well. Too bad you DNFed Fury Born, in the end I really ended up liking it. But it took a bit to get into. I also read Imposters just recently and really enjoyed it as well as getting back into that world. I loved Three Dark Crowns and really need to read the rest of the series! Hope October is a good month for you as well!
    Check out my September Wrap-Up

    1. I really wanted to like Furyborn. I really did. It sucks cuz the second book sounds even better. I just can't seem to enjoy Furyborn for the life of me. Yes!!! I was so happy getting back into the Uglies world! I'm even more excited for the next books! I'm planning on reading the rest of the Three Dark Crowns books asap! Thanks! :)

  5. Ha, this is funny because looking at your wrap up AND your TBR, it's all books I've already read (and loved most of tem) or books I have on my own TBR! Also it reminds me I have to read Strange the Dreamer soon, cause I've seen mixed reviews and I wanna know what's up.
    Hope you enjoy your October reads!

    1. LOL! Haha. I love when I see other people with like all books I've read or want to read. It's like YES! I like this persons tastes!! :D I loved Strange The Dreamer. I think the mix about it is because its a slower build up with a lot of vivid descriptions and background. So it takes a bit to really move the story forward. But I absolutely love Laini Taylors world building and writing. So that's definitely why I enjoyed it! Thanks!

  6. So many great books on your tbr. I can't wait to have Beneath the Citadel in my hands!

    1. Thanks! Yes! It's one of my current reads and I'm finding the story quite interesting so far! :)

  7. Yay for starting the Three Dark Crowns Series!!! As you know, my love for this series knows no bounds. :-)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Yes!!! I'm so excited to get all caught up so I can read all your spoilery posts without being spoiled! LOL.

  8. I'm so happy to see you loved Wildcard as this is a book I must read after loving Warcross last year. 12 books is an awesome reading month and you picked excellent books this month.

    1. Yes! I thought it was a fantastic wrap up for the duology! Thanks!

  9. Looks like a productive month! I have heard the same thing about Furyborn but haven't read it myself. Here's hoping your October is great!

    1. Thanks! I'm so disappointed I didn't like it. It sounded so promising. But from what I've seen its either loved it or hated it. And I guess I ended up on the negative side. Thanks! :)

  10. Kingdom of Ash is my most exciting book to read but kinda sad since it is the last one. Muse of nightmares by Laini Taylor is going to be on my list too.

    1. At least KoA is gonna be almost 1,000 pages. So hopefully we'll get a nice wrap up. Muse is amazing!!!

  11. Wow! You sure read a lot of books this month! I really want to read Kingdom of Ash myself, once I finish reading the rest of the "Throne of Glass" series first!

    Here’s my Monthly Wrap Up!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

    1. Thanks! LOL. I made it my goal to get all caught up on the Throne of Glass series before Kingdom of Ash!! Working my way through Tower of Dawn currently so almost fully caught up!

  12. Wow, those readings lists are awesome. I made it my goal to give up the YA titles after I retired from teaching. I'm back...reading the Throne of Glass finale (?) and can't wait to read Kendare Blake series.
