Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality as a way to share all the books we got during the week!

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. Its a weekly post to showcase what books you got, recap the week, and talk about what will be coming up this week on the blog!

Ahhhhhh!!! Guys. I don't know if I've expressed my love for the Uglies series but I LOVE THOSE BOOKS. And Impostors is the first book in a continuation of it! I LOVED THIS! LOVED!!!! This book stayed so true to all the ideas and events that happened in the first 4 books, while introducing such a fantastic, new, invigorating story! This is 100% one of my fave reads of the year! :D :D My review will be up on the 10th.

So this week ended up being a much better reading week for me! First I finished The Last of August by Brittany Cavallaro. Enjoyed it! I gave it a 4/5 stars. The I read Impostors by Scott Westerfeld (AKA the aforementioned book I fangirled on). Absolutely loved it! 5/5 Stars! Then I read The Case for Jamie by Brittany Cavallaro. My favorite of the Charlotte Holmes novels so far! 4.5/5 Stars! And finally I finished Empire of Storms by Sarah J. Maas! Really enjoyed that! I haven't solidified my rating yet. But it'll be either 4.5 or 5/5 Stars. I also started the audiobook of Royals by Rachel Hawkins but I'm only about 2 chapters in. I'm aiming to read Always and Forever, Lara Jean by the end of the weekend (and the month) so I can have an even 12 books read. So that's my reading plan this weekend. 

It's been another quiet week. Finally got over the sickness on Monday. So I'm happily feeling much better than last week. I got to making a physical calendar for October so I can write out my planned reviews. I know I could use google calendars but honest to god I suck at checking digital ones. LOL. I'm doing good with the one I made though. And I have the first 2 weeks of October filled with reviews already! Woot! On the flip side, I have no idea what I'm putting on my TBR for October. Tune in Monday to find out what I choose! LOL. But for real. Only know for a fact like maybe 4 books I'm gonna read. Other than that, its up in the air. I'm trying to do a themed month. So I need to see what I have that would fit into a spooky/paranormal/halloweenish theme. 

Also, on the topic of Halloween, is there any Halloween themed content you want to see? I love October so I'm all for fun Halloween themed ideas! :D I do have a recommended reads post ready for this week filled with books you should read in October (cuz Halloween theme, duh). LOL. 

Also, REGULAR SEASON HOCKEY STARTS AGAIN THIS WEEK!!!! I'M PUMPED!! The Sharks recently acquired Erik Karlsson from the Senators and I am thrilled to see what he's gonna bring to the team!! And OMG. I just checked the app and hell yes, first Sharks game of the season is gonna be on NBC Sports Network. I'm thrilled we actually get to watch the game instead of just listening to it!!! :D :D :D Can you tell I'm excited for hockey guys??? :D 

  • Recommended October Reads
  • Review: Queen of Shadows (Throne of Glass #4) by Sarah J. Maas
  • September Wrap-Up & October TBR
  • Top Ten Tuesday: Authors I'd Love To Meet
  • New Releases: Week of October 2, 2018
  • Review: The Last of August (Charlotte Holmes #2) by Brittany Cavallaro
  • DNF Review: Furyborn (The Empirium Trilogy #1) by Claire Legrand
  • 2018 Dystopia Reading Challenge: October Link-Up


  1. Wow, you got a lot of reading done. I’m glad you’re feeling better! I’m also slightly excited for hockey season. I can’t get too excited because the Avalanche perpetually suck. But, I’ll probably watch them anyway. :)

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Thanks! Haha. Hey, they made it to the playoffs last season! That's not as bad as the Coyotes! LOL. And hey, you guys beat the Knights this preseason. Even we couldn't do that much to my dismay. I've grown a healthy dislike of the Knights and their cocky ass fans. LOL. Haha. True fans right? Support your team even when they are sucking. Know that feel! LOL. :)

  2. Hahaha I suck at digital calendars too! I need to write everything physically down! Hope you're felling better and have a great time posting with Halloween theme!
    Priyanka @ A Booklion's Hideaway

    1. Right! Like I know I could have my schedule on my phone which I ALWAYS have with me, but I literally don't check it half as much as I would a physical one. Lol. Thanks! I'm so excited! I love Halloween and I'm really excited to do some themed posts finally! :D

  3. I finsihed Empire of Storms recently too and now I'm reading Tower of Dawn. I'm also reading an e-book for reviews so my reading my TOD is going a little slow at the moment.

    1. That's me with Empire of Storms. I took 2 weeks to get through just because I was reading some other books at the same time. I figure I'll start Tower of Dawn after I finish the ARC I have for review for the 9th.

  4. Ooo, The Imposters. Didn't know there was a follow up to the Uglies series. Cool. Have a good week.

    1. Yes!!! Impostors is the first in 4 new books in the Uglies world!!! :D Thanks! Have a good week yourself as well! :)

  5. Sounds like you had a great reading week. Those are some high ratings! I haven't read or heard about the Uglies series. Sounds like I need to check them out.
    Have a great week and happy reading!

    1. I did. Yes! I read some great books this week! :) I love the Uglies! I definitely suggest reading them! :) Have a great week as well! :)

  6. I'm not great with digital calendars either! They just don't work as well for me as paper. I've tried! Have a great week and enjoy your hockey!

    1. Right! Like earlier this year I really tried with the digital calendar and failed miserably at using it. LOL. But paper works just fine for me. Thanks! Have a great week as well! :)

  7. I'm glad you had a better week. It's funny about digital vs print calendars. I have a small week-at-a-glance pocket calendar that I use for all my personal appts and a monthly wall calendar in the kitchen for all the family activities. But for the blog I use Google calendar. I got comfortable with that when I was a reviewer at The Book Nympho because we all put our reviews onto the blog calendar. I do the same on Books of My Heart so all of us reviewing can see and plan the schedule there. I love that I can also access it on my phone when I don't have the laptop also. So I think it is all what you get used to and also maybe if you need to share the calendar that can make digital more workable. Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. Thanks! We have a monthly wall calendar in the hall with all the family stuff on it. I think it's because I've never had to share a calendar with anyone blog wise and with the whole wall calendar for family things, I've got so used to physically looking at something written down in front of me than something digital. I think the paper one works for me because I do all my blogging from my fiances desktop computer as its our only working one in the house at the moment. So I just keep my schedule at his computer and glance at it and update it as needed while I'm working on posts.

  8. Great week of reading and blog planning :) Have a great one!

    Sherry @ Ubiquitous Grace
