Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality as a way to share all the books we got during the week!

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. Its a weekly post to showcase what books you got, recap the week, and talk about what will be coming up this week on the blog!

So these are some of my birthday presents!! I had said on Twitter I was gonna go grab Two Dark Reigns at one of the Indie bookstores since they had signed copies. But I was so surprised to see they had signed copies of One Dark Throne as well!! Score! And James was so amazing to buy them for me on my birthday. I got a winner with that guy!

So these are the rest of my birthday books. James had ordered Ace of Shades for me before my birthday since he had asked for a book idea and I gave him that. And then Crooked Kingdom, Siege and Storm, and A Conjuring of Light were all bought with credit I got for my birthday from my grandma and uncle for the used bookstore. I'm pretty happy. Now I own all the Grisha Trilogy and the Six of Crows Duology! 

So this book takes place during the French Revolution! That was just about all I needed to be interested! The French Revolution is one of those interesting periods I like. Thank you NetGalley & Flatiron books! 

So I had a really slow reading week. I did indeed finish Muse of Nightmares last weekend like I said I expected to. But then it took me all week to read Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas. Not that it was bad or anything, but there was just so much going on this week. But I did indeed finish QoS. And I have at least started Empire of Storms. I did also start Nevernight this week, but haven't made much progress due to being busy. 

So last weekend was my birthday as I mentioned last week. Lol. James spoiled me. Obviously he bought me some books. But he also bought me some amazing other things. He bought me a model of the USS Enterprise from Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan. And it has phrases from the movie and sound effects and its seriously amazing. It is proudly displayed on top of my book shelf. He also bought me another Fallout Shirt and some Fallout 4 Bobbleheads (for those of you who play Fallout, you get the whole bobblehead thing). He knows exactly what I like! I'm gonna be putting them on my bookshelf as well. Did I also mention he spoils me and I seriously couldn't ask for a better fiance than him?? :D

So good news. We finally got the damn maintenance and pest control people here this week! Bad news, James had to talk to the assistant manager of our complex and the maintenance supervisor to actually get on the damn lists since the leasing agents didn't do their jobs. Honestly, when we have issues, we prefer when we get to talk to the assistant manager. She's the only one that has always helped us get things done asap. But we got the pest control guy to spray around the apartment and try to find the ant colony outside. And maintenance did look at our microwave. Haha. So they wanted to just fix it instead of get us a new one. Here's the kicker. They don't make parts for it anymore because its so old. Me and James could have told them that but they had to try. LOL. It's a microwave from the 80's guys, 1984 to be specific. I kid you not. Has knobs and big silver buttons. But yeah. Lets just say they have ordered us a new microwave and we're just waiting for it to come in now. Thank god. 

We took a fun little day trip to Phoenix on Tuesday. It was pretty fun. We got to check out a hobby store James has been dying to go to. And we checked out some bookstores, including the one up there that often hosts YA authors for events. So I got to check the place out if I plan to go to any events in the future. Unfortunately, we also got the luxury of sitting in rush hour, accident backed up traffic in Phoenix on I-10. Took us like 25 minutes just to go 3 miles to get on a state route to go around the accident. 

We had an unexpected visit to the vet Friday. Brodie started not eating his food Wednesday/Thursday and was acting really lethargic all day Thursday. So we took him to the vet Friday. Diagnosis. Constipation. They showed us his x-ray and he was getting pretty backed up. Not to the point it was hurting him yet (we caught it happening early), but enough where it was making him not want to eat and uncomfortable enough where all he wanted to do was sleep. They gave him some meds and gave us some to give him over the next few days to help him get the back up out of his system. He is seeming a bit better so far. Since passing some of it at the vets he's already been eating more and has got some of his energy back. My poor baby kitty wasn't feeling well. :( :( Ana was so concerned about him. She was even talking to him to calm him down on the car ride. 

  • Review: Muse of Nightmares (Strange The Dreamer #2) by Laini Taylor
  • New Releases: Week of September 18, 2018
  • Top Ten Tuesday: Books On My Fall 2018 TBR
  • Review: Shadow and Bone (The Grisha Trilogy #1) by Leigh Bardugo
  • Discussion: How I've Learned To Manage My TBR
  • Review: Hollow City (Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children #2) by Ransom Riggs


  1. Happy birthday! It’s great that you get books for your birthday. I used to get them when I was a kid, but not anymore. I’m glad Brodie is okay. It’s stressful and confusing when animals start acting sick.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Thanks! Yes. I'm pretty lucky James and his family are big readers. None of them look twice when I say I want books as gifts. LOL. But even though my parents aren't big readers, they know I am and still don't question wanting books. LOL. A lot of presents for birthdays and christmas end up being books all around. We're a big book loving family. LOL. Yes!!! OMG. We were seriously freaking out. He went from being our happy energetic kitty to not touching his food and not getting down from his cat scratch. We called as soon as we got up Friday to get one of their open same day appointments. Luckily with the meds, he seems to be doing a bit better. He ate a whole bowl of food this morning! So that's a good improvement! It really is stressful since they can't talk like even kids can to tell you whats wrong. :(

  2. Happy birthday! <3 Wow - amazing selection! I really want to read Ace of Shades; it sounds so good.

    Glad Brodie is doing okay!

    Enjoy your new books!
    My STS post!

    1. Thanks! Yes!! I'm thrilled with all my gifts and finds!! I've been dying for Ace of Shades since it came out so I'm excited to finally have it. I think I might read it once I finish catching up on the Throne of Glass series. I'm on Empire of Storms so only one more book to go until I'm caught up!

      Thanks! We're pretty glad too! We were incredibly worried about him since he wasn't acting like the happy, energetic kitty we normally have.

  3. I'm so happy you had a lovely birthday and got lots of great gifts. I'm trying and failing to catch up on Sarah J Maas books. Here's to a better reading week ahead. Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. Thanks! Lol. That's how I feel with some other series! Yes! Definitely!

  4. Happy (belated) birthday! :D How are you liking Nevernight so far?

    1. Thanks! So far I'm enjoying it. I've only managed to get about 50ish pages in though. Lol. Hoping to make a lot of progress on it this upcoming week!

  5. Happy late birthday!!! Glad you got all the Dark Crowns series! I only have the newest book so far.

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays and Cover Spotlight!

    1. Thanks! Yes!! I'm so excited I got all the series now!! I'm gonna binge read them in the next week or two. Hope you get to get all the books for your own collection soon! :)

  6. Lot's of book goodness there! Sounds like a good week. :)

    1. Yes!!! So many amazing books!!! It was minus the kitty issue. :)

  7. Britt I'm also a fellow Virgo, birthday this Wednesday. I am so gobsmacked about how many things we have in common. Happy, happy birthday! I am so glad you enjoyed your birthday and glad the Hubby spoilt you.

    Glad all went well for your furbaby.

    Can't wait to read your discussion post for the week, as I desperately need help in this department also.

    1. That's so cool! Happy upcoming birthday!!! :D Yes! It's so cool when you find others similar to you!!! :D Thanks! Yes!!! I'm so lucky!! I really couldn't ask for a better guy!! :D

      Yes! Gosh, we were so worried about him. He's such a happy energetic cat and he just completely 180'd so we knew something was wrong. So glad it wasn't something extremely serious though.

      Yes!!! I'm excited for it! I've finally found a good way to manage all the books on my TBR and I'm excited to share it!! :)

  8. Happy birthday! It sounds like it was lovely.

    I'm glad your cat is doing better. Poor little guy!

    1. Thanks! Yes, it was!! :)

      Thanks! I know right! I felt so bad for him not feeling well. :( It always hurts when your kids and pets don't feel good.
