P.S. I Still Love You (To All The Boys I've Loved Before #2)
Author: Jenny Han
Publisher: Simon & Schuster BYR
Publication Date: May 26, 2015
Pages: 337
Format: Audiobook/Library

Lara Jean didn’t expect to really fall for Peter. She and Peter were just pretending. Except suddenly they weren’t. Now Lara Jean is more confused than ever.

When another boy from her past returns to her life, Lara Jean’s feelings for him return too. Can a girl be in love with two boys at once?

In this charming and heartfelt sequel to the New York Times bestseller To All the Boys I've Loved Before, we see first love through the eyes of the unforgettable Lara Jean. Love is never easy, but maybe that’s part of what makes it so amazing.

Review: I thought this was a good sequel to To All The Boys I've Loved Before. It definitely carried a more serious tone through most of it. I liked that this book conquered a more serious tone with certain aspects 

So we see Lara Jean and Peter get back together and have an actual relationship in this book. I really liked certain things Peter did, but then hated others. I loved that he was standing up for Lara Jean. Dealing with all the aftermath of the hot tub video, trying to get it removed, trying to protect her from all the cruel stuff people were saying about her.  That was like genuine caring and love right there. But then he'd go and run to Gen when she needed someone, and even flaked out on Lacrosse games to go running to comfort her and that made me so mad. He seemed to be more concerned with comforting Gen than being around his own girlfriend. I think Lara Jean had every reason to get pissed off about that. For someone who supposedly wants to be with Lara Jean, Peter sure did jump and run whenever Gen called. Now don't get me wrong, when we find out what's hurting Gen so much that she needs support from someone whose been close to her family, I soften a little. But flaking out on games, not answering your phone when your girlfriend is trying to reach you for something, etc. Honestly, that wasn't cool. You can be a supportive friend and a good boyfriend as well. Though I do have to say, Lara Jean starts getting more and more angry for even the smallest things as things go on. So she needs to bring it down a notch as well.

I did like the more real, serious tone. We see Lara Jean and Peter get jealous. That's a real life thing that happens and is an issue that often has to be confronted in a relationship. I just think Peter was kinda annoying waiting until Lara Jean broke up with him and seeing her with John to get jealous and really get it through his head that he was serious about her and start fighting for her. We also get some real talk about sex. Whether Lara jean thinks she's ready. But she also lets this overcome her. She seems obsessed about whether Peter is wanting it or wanting to find it somewhere else and that causes issue in the relationship. Even when Peter says, that while he does wish they were doing it, he's not gonna force her to until she's ready. Like I'm not sure why Lara Jean keeps fretting about it when Peter is actually trying to be a good guy about it. We also see the struggle of keeping friendships and balancing friendships and relationships.

One of the bigger things we see in this book is Gen's family struggles. The whole reason she's having such a hard time and needs support from someone close to her and her family is because her dad is cheating on her mom with someone her age. That's obviously not something you can just tell everyone about without it being the talk of the school. However, also when it comes to Gen, she is incredibly immature. She seriously started hating Lara Jean because she kissed Peter during spin the bottle in like 7th or 8th grade. Boo hoo. How freaking immature of a reason to stop being friends. Honestly, me and my best friend both dated the same guy at different points in like 10th or 11th grade. We're still friends. A spin the bottle kiss is seriously the most petty reason to hate someone and make their life hell. IMMATURE.

I liked Lara Jean's sisters a lot more in this book. Kitty wasn't so damn petty and Margot wasn't acting so stuck up and like she's a million times better than Lara Jean. I actually enjoyed the two of them and their interactions with Lara Jean much more. I also thought it was really sweet how Kitty and Peter kept up a friendship in the little break up bit. Everyone knew damn well Peter and Lara Jean weren't over, and I thought it was sweet that Peter kept up the relationship with Kitty so there wasn't any bad blood when they got back together. I also liked that Margot and Josh were working on moving on with other people in this book.

John Ambrose McClaren. I thought he sounded so nice and sweet. He acted like such a complete gentleman and even took an interest in some of the stuff Lara Jean was doing. And what's even funnier is that he was the grandson Stormy was talking about. I already figured that out early on. I just knew. But he was a genuinely nice guy. It sucks for him that he showed up when he did. He definitely would have made a good match for Lara Jean, but Peter just happened to swoop in first and steal her heart. But I definitely bet he finds a girl that will love him with how sweet he is.

I thought the ending was great. Lara Jean and Peter finally talk after all the Gen and John stuff and really have a heart to heart about their feelings and being together.