Always and Forever, Lara Jean (To All The Boys I've Loved Before #3) 
Author: Jenny Han
Publisher: Simon & Schuster BYR
Publication Date: May 2, 2017
Pages: 325
Format: Paperback/Own

Lara Jean is having the best senior year.

And there’s still so much to look forward to: a class trip to New York City, prom with her boyfriend Peter, Beach Week after graduation, and her dad’s wedding to Ms. Rothschild. Then she’ll be off to college with Peter, at a school close enough for her to come home and bake chocolate chip cookies on the weekends.

Life couldn’t be more perfect!

At least, that’s what Lara Jean thinks . . . until she gets some unexpected news.

Now the girl who dreads change must rethink all her plans—but when your heart and your head are saying two different things, which one should you listen to?

Review: I definitely think this was my favorite out of the three. It wasn't filled with half as much teenage drama. I mean, they are teens and I get it. But some books seriously have way more than others and I'm glad this series finally leveled it out. I'm also glad Lara Jean started taking control of her life by the end of the book. She was constantly relying on so many others plans and statements and I'm glad she finally started making her own decisions for her. 

First, I liked Peter much better. He was genuinely being a good boyfriend. Planning surprises for Lara Jean, going out of his way to do something she highly appreciated. Even bonding with her dad by hosting his Bachelor party. Much better Peter in this book. And I understand more why he was so distant and upset in other parts of the book. There was a lot going on for Lara Jean and he was feeling a bit out of it since all the new changes were conflicting with what they originally planned. I think he was just so unsure of how to handle things. I'm glad the two of them by the end of the book were working on things just the two of them. 

Lara Jean. She was handling a lot. She got denied from her first choice of college despite her outstanding grades. And this just puts her in a funk. She's worried about how her and Peter will handle a long distance relationship. She is torn on the colleges she is accepted into. First she decides on the second closest just to be close to Peter. But then she gets accepted into a better school. And at first she was just going to let herself be miserable just for her and Peter's idea to work, but then decides to be an adult and choose the better college even if it means its further away from him. I was genuinely happy she put her happiness in college over being close to Peter. They can make it work with only one extra hour being added to the distance. And she can be genuinely happy at the college she wants to be at. I was also happy that Lara Jean made the split second decision to drive to North Carolina to see UNC before fully settling on a decision. If she and Chris never took that drive, she would have been content to be miserable. 

Margot kinda annoyed me a bit again. She comes home from school in Scotland, and proceeds to be a crabby ass towards Trina. Honestly, just because you've been at school, doesn't give you the right to get mad at your dads girlfriend for being in your dads house. Is dad not allowed to be happy?? God. The whole over-dramatic stuff acting like she doesn't even feel like part of the family was annoying. You chose to go to school overseas. And quite honestly, maybe if she wasn't acting like a huge you know what when she got home around Trina she would have felt like she wasn't on the outside. She literally put herself there by being a B. I'm glad she finally accepted her though. If I had to read every single page with Margot being crabby over Trina I was not going to be happy. 

I thought it was so nice seeing Lara Jeans dad being happy and in love again. He loves his daughters, but he needs a good woman as well. I'm really glad he ended up marrying Trina because she made him happy, and she was being a great step-parent to the girls. I also really enjoyed the fact that they had a small backyard wedding. Very cool and such a big money saver. 

Ok, I was so annoyed with Peters mom and Margot. Peters mom insisting between the lines to break up with Peter so he wouldn't be distracted by a relationship in college. Like uh. That's not your decision to make or your place to say what would be the best for Peter. She may think it would help him concentrate more, or the idea could completely backfire and he could spiral into a dark depression. Hows about you leave Lara Jean and Peter to figure out their own things regarding their relationship. And Margot, still saying the whole shit that their mom would say about not going to college with a boyfriend. Again, not your place to say anything. I personally loved Trina having a heart to heart with Lara Jean and telling her its her decision and and everyone's circumstances are different. She was a solid mother figure for Lara Jean then and I loved that moment with them. Just cuz that advice works for some, doesn't mean it works for others. 

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