Opposition (Lux #5)
Author: Jennifer L. Armentrout
Publisher: Entangled Teen
Publication Date: August 5, 2014
Pages: 533
Format: Paperback/Own

Katy knows the world changed the night the Luxen came.

She can't believe Daemon welcomed his race or stood by as his kind threatened to obliterate every last human and hybrid on Earth. But the lines between good and bad have blurred, and love has become an emotion that could destroy her—could destroy them all.

Daemon will do anything to save those he loves, even if it means betrayal.

They must team with an unlikely enemy if there is any chance of surviving the invasion. But when it quickly becomes impossible to tell friend from foe, and the world is crumbling around them, they may lose everything— even what they cherish most—to ensure the survival of their friends…and mankind.

War has come to Earth. And no matter the outcome, the future will never be the same for those left standing..

Review: Ok guys, while I do have the collectors edition with Shadows in it, I'm only reviewing Opposition since I've already read and reviewed Shadows. If you'd like to read my review of it, you can find it HERE. Wow. Just wow. So freaking much happened in this book. I have to admit, I was incredibly weary going in after the ending of Origin. I was so unsure of what was going to happen. Man, am I relieved at how things went. 

So after Daemon and his siblings disappear with the Luxen after they invaded, I definitely was worried. It seemed like he was forced to stay with them. Luckily, that's not the case. While his initial going with them was because of the overwhelming connection to them all and struggling to fight it, he does get a grip on it. He figures out that him and Dawson seem to be immune to the other Luxen being able to fully take over their minds. And that's obviously because they have Beth and Katy, the humans they mutated. So pretty much any Luxen that had mutated a human they loved and cared about on Earth was immune from being sucked into the hive like mind of the invading Luxen once they get a hold on everything. And Daemon, he's wanting so badly to get out but also not be looked at like a traitor to his species. So he's forced to play along with them, act like he wants to take over the humans, all the while he's really just trying to get as much information as he can from them and try to find a way to save Dee from the hive mind. Eventually he and Dawson just have to take their chance when they get it to get away. 

Katy, poor girl goes into town with Archer after the initial invasion to get supplies for Beth and ends up in the middle of an attack. And then gets knocked out by Dawson and wakes up where all the Luxen are hiding out. Not fun in the least. At least Dawson was trying to help her by only knocking her out. It was either that or another Luxen actually trying to kill her. Poor Katy has to deal with Daemon acting like he's abandoned her and the fear of being near people who want her dead. I have to say, Katy should have known Daemon was on her side. After all they've been through, did she really think he'd jump ship just like that?? Shame shame Katy. But then she also ends up being the one to find out that the invading Luxen are working with some Origins, and that they know about Dawson and Beth despite Daemon and Dawson trying to keep it secret. 

I have to say I was feeling better once they got away from the Luxen, even if they had to leave Dee. They finally get reunited with Beth, Luc and Archer and some military. They start planning how to fight the invading Luxen and get Dee back. I have to say Daemon showed incredible restraint. He could have tried to run off at any minute to save Dee but he didn't. And it actually turned out to help since eventually Dee came to them, initially trying to kill them of course, but she came nonetheless. And despite the fact he didn't like it, Daemon dealt with their biggest plan to fight the Luxen. Trying to get the Arum, AKA, their worst enemies to help them. He didn't like the idea, but it was their best bet to get rid of them.

So yeah, lets talk about the Luxen invasion. They pretty much killed a ton of Earth's population. And their attacks ended up making America look like a freaking dystopian novel. Destroyed cities, freeways full of abandoned cars, small groups of resistance hiding here and there. Yeah. These guys were seriously dead set on taking over the entire Earth if they had the chance. And then finding out who was leading it. Won't spoil it, but we all knew he was a part of what was happening based on his conversation with Daemon. But to find out he was leading it and that he had this whole thing happen for freaking revenge on something that happened to JUST HIM. Like you have to be kidding me. A few humans do something to you and you decide killing or enslaving the entire species is just revenge. That asshole, yes, being pretty blunt with that, deserved what he got. And the fact that Because of them Katy loses her mom. That really broke my heart. She never even got the chance to tell her mom she was ok after Daedalus taking her. That was just such a heartbreaking bit for Katy. 

I did absolutely love the epilogue. Everyone settling down in Colorado, far from the place that started all this. And Katy and Daemon actually going to college. Beth and Dawson had their baby!! And named her Ashley after Ash!!! Guys, that was incredibly sweet. Because if Ash hadn't saved Beth in Origin, then Dawson, Beth and the baby all would have been dead. I thought that was seriously such a touching tribute to Ash. And I love that Dee and Archer are seriously together because they just work so well together. And Katy and Daemon are planning their real wedding!! And Katy gets her blog restarted!! After all that happened, I thought this was such a great ending. 


  1. I'm glad you really enjoyed it. I only read the first one but wasn't sure if I was interested to go forward. High school age is sometimes hard to read. They don't always act maturely. Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. True! I think the series got better and the characters more mature as it went on. I can definitely see a huge difference in both the main characters if you compared them from book 1 to book 5.
