Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality as a way to share all the books we got during the week!

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. Its a weekly post to showcase what books you got, recap the week, and talk about what will be coming up this week on the blog!

So I received this as a complete surprise from Scholastic this week. It comes out on the 30th. It's middle grade, which I don't read too much of, but it does sound interesting. So maybe I'll give it a try. Thanks Scholastic!

Other than that I haven't acquired anything new. I've been holding off on buying any new books the past few weeks so that way I ensure we have the money to buy Kingdom of Ash on Tuesday! LOL.
So I flopped on my reading this week. We were doing a bunch of stuff and I honest to God was just too tired to finish much. I finally read Tower of Dawn by Sarah J. Maas. So I'm officially ready for KoA on Tuesday! That was my big thing this week. I also finished the Queens of Fennbirn by Kendare Blake (the two Three Dark Crowns Novella's). But that's about as far as my reading went. I started the audiobook of The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert and the ebook of Monsters by Ilsa J. Bick but have only made a few chapters of progress in each. I'm hoping to make up for my lack of reading this week with the Dewey's 24 hour readathon. So hopefully I get a lot read Saturday! :D :D 

So like I said, busy this week. As I mentioned last week, the Pumpkin Patch was happening this week. We went Wednesday and had a lot of fun. Ana was so excited to ride the train around the pumpkin patch. We rode multiple times for her. LOL. And she got to pick out 2 pumpkins! She got a nice one for carving and then she got her cute little small one she could hold. She was thrilled getting her "small one." It's all she was talking about this week is getting a small one! LOL. And then Friday we went to one of our local police departments national night out (we're going to another next Friday). Ana got so many goodies. And she got to sit in one of the police SUVs and turn on the lights and she got to sit on one of the motorcycles. She was also super interested in seeing the officers show how they use their drone and seeing the crime scene techs show how they find fingerprints with the powder. She had such a good time. And she was social! She didn't hide and be super shy. I'm so proud of her!

Guys, I have the best fiance. I swear to god. He knows me so well. Earlier this week I was on the computer and he said if I take you to the bookstore will you let me use my computer (we share his right now). HAHAHA. He knows exactly what to do. LOL. Bookstore?? Hell yeah! LOL. And he's gonna buy me KoA next week and possibly another book depending on what I find. James knows the way straight to my heart. I swear, no one understands my love of books more than him (outside of the book community I mean). I'm so lucky I found someone who supports my reading and loves reading just as much as I do! :D 

  • Review: Opposition (Lux #5) by Jennifer L. Armentrout
  • Review: Ace of Shades (The Shadow Game #1) by Amanda Foody
  • New Releases: Week of October 23, 2018
  • Mini Reviews: The Young Queens & The Oracle Queen (Three Dark Crowns #0.1 & #0.2) by Kendare Blake
  • ARC Review: The Darkest Star (Origin #1) by Jennifer L. Armentrout
  • Discussion: Worst Books In My Favorite Series
  • Review: The Return Man by V.M. Zito 
So this week you'll notice something new, and some changes. First, being mini reviews. I've decided that most novella's, ESPECIALLY ones less than 200 pages are just going to be mini reviews instead of huge full ones. So this will be the first time I'm doing them since deciding on this. You'll also notice that I've added ARC Review instead of just review now for advanced copies. My ARC reviews always have that they are ARCs in the posts itself, but I thought I'd institute this small change to make it easier to see which books are ARCs from the title itself. So The Darkest Star is the first one with this change. Just some small changes. :)


  1. I've always wanted to read a Garth Nix book. :)

  2. I hope you’re doing well with the readathon! I’m currently taking a break to answer blog comments. I’m glad Ana had fun at the pumpkin patch and the police station. It’s cool that James supports your love of books. My family avoids bookstores because they know I’ll spend forever in them. Have a good week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I'm totally failing at the readathon. I've only got like an hour into an audiobook. It's so bad. LOL. Oh yeah. She had a blast. Yes!! LOL. James is just as excited as me to go to a bookstore. LOL. Thanks! Have a good week as well! :)

  3. Ohhhh I look forward to reading the Worst Books in My Favorite Series post!

    Here's my update:

    1. Yes!! It's gonna be fun. Its not that I don't particularly like them, just that they definitely are the weakest of the series. But nothing bad about them. :)

  4. It sounds like a great week! I also want to read Kingdom of Ash. I've been collecting the series on audio but have only managed the first one which I loved. Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. Thanks! I'm glad you loved the first one! I finally finished book 6 this week so I'm fully caught up for Kingdom of Ash now! I'm so excited!!

  5. I'm so excited for KoA! Have a great week.

    1. ME 2!!! AHHHH. There's gonna be so many feels. I just know it. Thanks! Have a great week as well! :)

  6. I have KOA on my list but isn't there more in the series. I have to start from the beginning. I haven't read anything by this author so I am unsure. I would love it if my hubby took me to a bookstore. =) Have a great week.


    1. Yes. KoA is book 7. In order, there's The Assassin's Blade (All the prequel short stories in one binding), Throne of Glass (1), Crown of Midnight (2), Heir of Fire (3), Queen of Shadows (4), Empire of Storms (5), and Tower of Dawn (6). You definitely should read some SJM. She has some fantastic writing. :) Yes!! I'm so lucky James loves bookstores and books just as much as I do. :D Have a great week as well!

  7. Readathon sounds fun. I have heard Jennifer L. Armentrout is such a sweet person in real life as well.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

    1. I'm positive she's a sweet person in real life. I'm friends with her on Facebook and the amount of time she spends commenting back to fans, taking pictures with them, etc definitely seems to prove how nice she is. She's gonna be in AZ in like a week and I'm dying to meet her but idk if I can make it to her signing since it's 2 hours away from me.
