So obviously not much on the reading front. I had a pretty bad December. However, I did enjoy all 3 of these books! 

Happenings on the Blog:
2018 Challenges Wrap-Up

2018 Dystopia Reading Challenge
Goal: Leader - 16+  
Total Finished: 22 Books! Goal Met

2018 Debut Author Challenge
Goal: 12 Books
Total Finished: 7 Books. Didn't quite meet my goal, but also not disappointing either. 

2018 NetGalley & Edelweiss Reading Challenge
Goal: Silver - 25 Books
Total Finished: 19 Books. Didn't quite meet my goal but in no way am I disappointed! Even though I didn't quite reach my goal, I still hit 80% on NetGalley!!!! YES!

2018 Beat The Backlist
Goal: 50 Books
Total Finished: 68 Books! I'm thrilled! A lot of these were books I already owned as well! 

2018 Discussion Challenge
Goal: Creative Conversationalist - 11-20
Total Written: Like 6. I failed so miserably. LOL. But I'm doing it again for 2019 and aim to do much better! LOL.

2018 Literary Escapes Challenge
No Goal, just wanted to have fun seeeing how many places I could visit. 
Total States Visited: 17 States! Not bad honestly. 


  1. Great job with your challenges! I failed all of mine except for the Discussion Challenge.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Thanks! Lol. I technically failed like half of mine, but I'm not disappointed. LOL. I did make some good progress on a lot of them so even though I didn't reach my goal, things were still good. I'm jealous. The one challenge I massively failed was the Discussion Challenge. LOL. You write such great discussion posts! :)

  2. So many challenges! I only did the Goodreads one this year and with the picture books I read and reviewed, I easily accomplished and then blew away my goal. So, this year I doubled by goal. I hope 2019 is starting off well for you!

    1. Thanks. Heh. I blew away my Goodreads goal. I had upped it to 75 at one point and ended up blowing by it and finishing 102 books for 2018. Pretty happy about that.

  3. I missed my Beat the Backlist by eight books, but 42 is much better than my usual six or seven backlist books, and twelve of them were back ARCs, so I was still very pleased! 👍✨

    Your numbers were great! Here's to more good reading in 2019! 🎉
