Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality as a way to share all the books we got during the week!

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. Its a weekly post to showcase what books you got, recap the week, and talk about what will be coming up this week on the blog!

I went and bought myself the pretty B&N Edition of The Wicked King. It's seriously so beautiful! And I found a nice used copy of Tales From The Shadowhunter Academy. I plan on reading all the Shadowhunter books this year to get completely caught up, so I've been buying the short story bind ups to have them ready! 

Obviously I'm slowly collecting all the Dirk Pitt novels. I happened across these this week and grabbed them! Still a lot more to go! LOL. 

So yeah, it was another week of not posting. Sorry guys, I actually meant to this week, just been distracted. I've been applying for jobs, and I also took the postal exam so I can get into the post office. Cuz you know, they pay pretty decent. I also started a workout plan this week. I'm really trying to make 2019 the year I get back into shape, so I made a workout plan and I'm trying super hard to stick to it. I also reconnected with one of my best friends who I haven't talked to in a while, and made plans to hang out and catch up this weekend. 

Ana also had her 4 year check up this week. She's doing pretty well. We got some good suggestions from her doctor for preschool. Poor girl also got 3 shots. She was so out of it after her appointment. I felt so bad. But she felt better after some sleep. She's also started potty training at night. So far so good. She's only had one accident so far.

So I'm sure a number of you are wondering about my depression. It's still there. But I'm dealing. Talking to friends has been helping. It's definitely not gone by a long shot, but I haven't spent every day crying this week, so I think that is some very good progress for me. I've also been watching some of my favorite shows, like Doctor Who and The Grand Tour, and that's cheered me up a bit. So it's been a bit of a better week for me. And I'm finally getting back into a book! Metro 2033! It's gonna be my first dystopian read of the year!

  • Review: Vixen 03 (Dirk Pitt #5) by Clive Cussler
  • New Releases: Week of January 22, 2019
  • Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Meant To Read In 2018 But Didn't Get To
  • Review: Night Probe (Dirk Pitt #6) by Clive Cussler