Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality as a way to share all the books we got during the week!

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. Its a weekly post to showcase what books you got, recap the week, and talk about what will be coming up this week on the blog!

Book mail from Scholastic! Thanks Scholastic!

So I'm pretty happy I got approved for Blood Heir! I also got The Dysasters as I'll be participating in the blog tour for it!

Ok guys, I really meant to post this week. I swear. It's just been one of those weeks. I've had a headache for 4 days now. It's like I think it's gone and its just dulled enough to where its not bothering me every few minutes. Ugh! Guys, I really hate headaches! They are so distracting! Hoping I can finally get rid of it this weekend. But I'm gonna try and work on getting stuff scheduled this weekend finally. :)

As mentioned, I went out with my friends last weekend. It was a lot of fun and I definitely needed it with everything that's been going on since December. We're working on making this a thing one night every weekend. But yeah. We went out and did some karaoke and just blasted music in the car and just had a lot of fun laughing and hanging out. It was fantastic. 

  • Review: Vixen 03 (Dirk Pitt #5) by Clive Cussler
  • New Releases: Week of January 29, 2019
  • Review: The Deceivers (Vale Hall #1) by Kristen Simmons
  • Review: Enchantée by Gita Trelease


  1. I hope your headache gets better soon! I also get headaches that last for days and don’t go away no matter what I do. I’m glad you had fun with your friends. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  2. My daughter has managed to finally reduce her headaches so I am well aware of how NOT fun they are. I hope you are feeling better. Here's to a more productive and feel good week! Anne - Books of My Heart

  3. A good night out with friends has a wonderful effect on a person, doesn't it? Although karaoke scares me, lol.

  4. Oh headaches suck! Hopefully its better! Glad you had a nice time with friends!

  5. Blood Heir looks really good. My friend LOVES PC Cast so I was going to request that on Netgalley but then I couldn't find it anymore. I hope you like them.

  6. Sorry you had a headache all week. That's so frustrating, and it makes it hard to function, for sure.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  7. I hope your headache has gone away by now! A night out sounds like a lot of fun. Blood heir has such a beautiful cover, I hope you enjoy it. I hope you have a wonderful week!

    Tina @ As Told By Tina
