Hi guys! So I know you guys have noticed I've been pretty absent from the blog for the first 5 months of this year. It wasn't something I necessarily planned, but life happened. I don't really wanna explain it for like the 3rd or 4th time, so I'll link to the post that kinda explains everything thats happened since like December, but things are turning around guys! While my depression finally subsided around the end of March, beginning of April, there was still a fair amount of turmoil going on with other things. But, a lot of that has died down as well and I'm finally feeling really motivated to blog and read again! The past two weeks I've really felt like I wanted to start posting again and I've been really looking at my books wanting to pick them up again! This is so huge since even after the depression subsided, I still had no motivation to pick up a book. And I tried. But I'm really happy that I'm finally feeling the motivation again because I've genuinely missed blogging and reading so much.

So I did actually get started on a book this month, or more so, the last two weeks. I'm not super far into it yet, but I'm actually really looking forward to reading more of it. So that book is:

Guys, I'm really enjoying what I've read so far. You guys know I loved The Illuminae Files by these two so I thought this would be a good book to help get me get back into reading and I was right. I just love a good sci-fi novel and I've been feeling a pull towards a few sci-fi books since I've been feeling like reading again. 

With that being said, even though I didn't read a whole lot in May, I was productive. I've been behind the scenes scheduling stuff for June. I have 7 posts scheduled now, with a few more I need to write. I've been putting holds on a few audiobooks and kindle books from the library. Two actually just came in this week! AND, I actually have 3 discussion post ideas for June!!! Guys, you know I struggled coming up with topics last year so I'm thrilled I have 3 ideas for this month already! :D

So despite my TBR looking like a lot, I don't think it actually is and I'll explain why under each set. 

So these are all books I've already started. More specifically, I'm halfway through Archenemies, A Question of Holmes and Metro 2033 already. So those won't take much to finish. And I know I'll get through the rest of Aurora Rising pretty quickly too.

So if Jack the Ripper was any indication of pacing for this series, I should get through Dracula and Houdini pretty quickly. And Hunted and Sea Witch are both Audiobooks so I'm not even worried about them because two audiobooks in one month should easily be a breeze for me!

So Soul of the Sword and Finale should also be quick reads based on how I read the previous books. The only two I feel like might be longer reads this month honestly are Storm and Fury and DEV1AT3. So I think I have a good lineup I should be able to get through. 


  1. Even though I'm still reading Shadow of the Fox but I'm already excited for Soul of the Sword!

  2. Welcome back! I’ve had to cut way back on blogging because I got a new job and am completely exhausted all the time. Good luck with your June TBR! I hope you get lots of reading done.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  3. Glad that you're getting back into the swing of things. Hope things continue to move in a positive direction!!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  4. Welcome back! Can't wait to see those discussion posts :)


  5. Must be so great to start feeling like reading again. Illness can rob us of our love for reading. All the best for June.

  6. I'm glad things seem to be looking up and that you are getting back into reading. You've got some great books to read in June.

  7. I'm so happy for you! Welcome back to blogging and books and reading! You chose an excellent book to get back into "the swings of things" and I am excited to read Aurora Rising too.

  8. So glad you are feeling better and reading has become a pleasure again. May it continue this month.

  9. I'm glad to hear things are turning around for you, Brittani, and that you're feeling motivated to blog and read again. You have some fantastic-looking books lined up for June. I hope you enjoy them! In particular, I'm interesting in Archenemies, though I need to read Renegades first!

    I hope you have a wonderful month with reading and blogging!
