Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality as a way to share all the books we got during the week!

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. Its a weekly post to showcase what books you got, recap the week, and talk about what will be coming up this week on the blog!

Thanks to Scholastic for both of these books! 

Thanks so much Netgalley, Inkyard Press & Random House! I'm so freaking excited to have Soul of the Sword!!!! You guys know I loved Shadow of the Fox last year and I'm sooooo excited to see where the story is gonna go!! 

So Hunted and Sea Witch are audiobooks I checked out for June since it's auidobook month! And Hunting Prince Dracula and Tales of Folk & Fey are kindle books. I loved Melissa Marr's Wicked Lovely series and this book has some short stories from the series! So I'm really excited to read them! :D

I'm back! I'm really happy! I finally feel the motivation to start really blogging and reading again! And I've actually been getting a lot of posts scheduled, including some discussions!!! Things are definitely looking up! 

So some updates. Ana finished her first semester of preschool. She is doing so well! The speech therapy is definitely helping her! She also got to graduate to the next level of preschool. Here's a pic from her graduation! She was all smiles! 

She's also in swim lessons, which is fantastic for her. Not only is she learning how to swim, but she's also starting to really get over her huge fear of water and that is HUGE! I'm incredibly proud of her! 

So I mentioned in my last STS post that I had started dating someone. So we started dating (again) in February. He's someone I dated in the past, but also someone that's been one of my best friends for 10 years. Us getting back together was something we both thought about and wanted for a while so we decided to. And honestly guys, its been really good for me. He is such an amazing person and I really couldn't ask for a better boyfriend, especially one as loving and understanding about everything as he is. And on top of that, he is absolutely, 100% the best stepdad I could ask for for Ana. I have absolutely no regrets about me and him getting back together. So, let me introduce you to Jeff. :D Expect to see more of him in the future! LOL. 

  • New Releases: Week of June 4, 2019
  • Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Fantasy Novels 
  • Discussion: Audiobooks!
So since June is Audiobook month, I thought I'd start the month off with a discussion revolving around audiobooks! So get ready to discuss everything audiobooks with me on Thursday! :D


  1. Soul of the Sword is one I desperately need! I'm getting close to finishing my audiobook of Shadow of the Fox and ugh it's turning out to be one of my favorite audiobooks ever. I wished for Deviate on NetGalley but they never grant my wishes so I didn't have much hope for it to begin with. SAD :(

  2. Welcome back! I'm so glad you are happy and reading again. It looks like you got some great new reads.

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

  3. Aww, cute photo! I’m glad Ana is doing well in preschool and that you’re getting back to blogging. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!
