Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. Its a way to get out there and meet new bloggers and discover new blogs. :)

Q.  It's Thanksgiving Day in the U.S. so we wanted to know what you are thankful for - blogging related of course! Who has helped you out along the way? What books are you thankful for reading? 

First of all I am thankful for the whole entire book blogging community! I've enjoyed blogging a lot more than I thought I was gonna all because of you guys! You all are so friendly and welcomed me from the moment I started getting myself out there! You guys are just so amazing and I'm so happy to be a part of this wonderful community with you all!

Now to mention a few bloggers I'm thankful for :)

April @ Books 4 Juliet: April you're awesome! You have definitely become one of my closest blogging friends! I always look forward to your comments on my blog! You always have nice things to say! And those comments always make me smile! Not to mention I love reading you're posts! I know I still don't comment as much as I should on your blog but I'm working on it! Not to mention I always look forward to Saturdays (because of TBR Intervention) because I love the group we have so far for it! It may be small but we are all so supportive of each other and without you, Dani & Anayami we wouldn't have it! (Just a note to everyone who hasn't checked out Aprils blog: DO IT!!!! It's awesome!) (And you should check out TBR Intervention, Just saying!) And thanks for adding me to Starbooks! I'm really enjoying being a part of that group! :)

Sam @ Books For All Seasons: Sam, you're awesome as well! I look forward to you're comments also! You're comments make me smile as well! Not to mention I love our conversations on Twitter! We may not have long conversations on Twitter but I enjoy them nonetheless! You have definitely become on of my closest blogging friends as well!

You both have supported me and my blog and I'm so thankful for that! You guys are two friends I'm definitely glad I made through blogging! :)

I also want to give a special shout out to Kristi @ The Story Siren! When I first started my blog I was EXTREMELY thankful for your blog help pages! I was so new to blogging and those pages definitely helped me out! I'll admit it, I still even refer to them now if I have a question about anything. :)

To all my other followers and future followers, I love you guys also and look forward to your comments as well! Every comment makes me smile and I don't know what I would do without each and everyone of you! I'm thankful for all of you!

Books I'm thankful for reading this year:
These are all books that have made the jump to my favorites shelf this year because they had such a big effect on me!

TGIF is hosted by Ginger at GReads. Theres a weekly question and then we do a re-cap of the weeks posts.

Q. When You're Not Reading: What occupies your time when your nose isn't stuck in a book?

Um, lets see. Right now for me its trying to find a job! Besides that there's hanging out with my besties, texting, facebook, twitter. OOOHHH! Listening to music & singing. Besides reading and writing singing is my passion! I love listening to and singing along to my music!

Weekly Recap: 
Review: Nevermore by Kelly Creagh
TBR Intervention Challenge [#6]
In My Mailbox [#15]
Teaser Tuesday [#15]
Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Authors I'd Love To Have At My Thanksgiving Feast
Waiting On Wednesday [#14]
Review: The Name Of The Star by Maureen Johnson
Review: Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins
Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. I love comments as well, I love the connecting with other book bloggers who love reading and reviewing!

    New Follower. Come see my Friday, and see if I mentioned You! And have a Great weekend!

  2. Hi Brittani! You're so so sweet! Thank you so much! I wish you could see my face right now ((((BIG SMILEY HERE))). You know that I am more than happy to be your friend. Thank you so much for everything, especially for your support and love love love to me and Books4Juliet. I am also grateful that you're a part of my Starbooks friends. Thanks so much! Happy Thanksgiving!

    Love Lots!
    April <3

    My Follow Friday

  3. I love comments also, I loved The Host (can't wait for the movie) and I want to read all the other books you listed, here's mine

  4. Comments bring a smile to my face too. It's great reassurance that someone out there is reading what you have to say :-)

    My FF @

    Have a great weekend.

  5. I'm also thankful for Shatter Me, such an awesome book!

  6. Happy Follow Friday! :) I'm a new/old follower, if that makes any sense ROFL. I haven't read any of the books you have listed but I need to. They're on my tbr list.

  7. Kristi is definitely the blogger I look up to the most - it was The Story Siren that inspired me to start my own book blog as well. And I love music too! Always fun to sing along to my favorite songs :)

  8. Ooh a fellow Host fan!! I LOVED IT!! :D

    Xpresso Reads

  9. Great post today :) I have Shatter Me from the library, but haven't started it. Glad to hear its awesome!

    Happy Follow Friday!

  10. I just posted my review for Shatter Me too. I loved it!
    You have a wonderful blog here. I really enjoyed reading your FF post.
    Please stop by when you get a chance :)
