In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren where we share new books we bought, received, won etc.

My mom was being nice so she bought me Bloodrose (since I really wanted it the day it came out).

So last time I had Across The Universe I planned on rechecking it out. But someone placed a hold on it (of course, only do it when I have the book. Lol) so I had to wait to get it back to read it. 

    Downloaded for my Kindle:
    So my mom was still being super nice after buying me Bloodrose and bought me some books for my Kindle as well! :D 

    I've been waiting forever to get accepted for Fracture & Stolen Away! I saw the email saying I was accepted finally and I was like wait what???? FINALLY!!!! :D

    What's in your mailbox??? Leave a link for me to check them out!


    1. Awesome IMM! I loved Hereafter, Ten Things We Did and Fracture. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.

      Happy reading!

    2. Isn't Net Galley wonderful. What a great mailbox.

      Livre De Amour-Books of Love

    3. Eeeek!!! you have Bloodrose! I'm so looking forward to that. Can't wait to get a copy myself.

      Enjoy your books!

      Janus @ The Blair Book Project
      Here's my IMM

    4. wow such a good IMM! I read variant recently and have a review of it up on the blog.. SO good and awesome and is definitely full of crazy twists.

      old follower!

      check out our IMM here if you'd like!

    5. This is a very snazzy IMM! I so want to read Fracture and Half-Blood. I hope you enjoy them!

      -Shanon @ Escaping With Fiction

    6. I loved both Half Blood and Across the Universe :) happy readin, Brittani!


    7. I also HAD to buy Bloodrose the day it came out! Crazy ending!!! OMG!!! I loved Across the Universe so enjoy! Hereafter was also good and for only a dollar on kindle a steal! I have had Half-Blood on my kindle for awhile too and plan to get to it this month since apparently it is awesome!
      Thanks for Visiting My IMM

    8. Lucky. you got your copy of Bloodrose already. The BD sent mine and it seems like FOREVER!

    9. I got Fracture and Pieces of Us as well :) And Bumped for my Kindle. :) Great IMM, I hope you enjoy reading them!

      Here's my IMM for this week if you'd like to take a look.

      Have a nice weekend,
      Books, Biscuits & Tea

    10. I want Fracture so bad the trailer always gives me goosebumps, I think I'm the only one who hasn't read any of Andrea Cremer's books :o.

      My IMM

    11. I loved Across the Universe. And I enjoyed I Am Number Four. I still have to read the second one. And I need to pick up Andrea Cremer's books one day. Great haul this week!

    12. Awesome books this week! Bumped and I Am Number Four are so good. I hope that you enjoy your new books!

      Ladybug Storytime

    13. njoy all
      looking 4ward 2 your reviews
      my imm

    14. Awesome books!Bumped is awesome!I currently have Hereafter checked out from my library too. And I often have to recheck things because I don't get around to them. I've been known to rack up some fines because I'm in the middle of one, and can't renew it because someone has a hold on it. Lol.

    15. I'm excited to see what you think of Variant! I've been wanting to read it, I hear a lot of good things!

      Anna @ Literary Exploration

    16. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Awesome books! I can't wait to hear your thoughts on them! Happy Reading!


    17. Across the Universe and I am Number Four were great - I read them last year and loved them. I can't wait to see your reviews for them both. I hope you enjoy your whole haul. :)

      Check out my IMM here!

    18. Across the Universe and Hereafter are great!!! I can't wait to read Variant :) Great haul..enjoy!!!!

      Happy Holidays!


    19. Just finished Across The Universe and loved it!
      My mailbox link

    20. Awesome books. I have reviews for ACROSS THE UNIVERSE and TEN THINGS WE DID and VARIANT if you ever want to look at those.

      Happy reading.

      -Marybeth P.

    21. Really enjoyed ATU. it was awesome. hope you like it too.

    22. Nice mailbox! And yea for Mom and for netGalley! So many good books that I wouldn't know which one to pick first....maybe Daimon for the awesome cover? Enjoy!

      Here's my IMM.

    23. Congrats on getting Bloodrose! I still need to read it! Across the Universe is an amazing book. Well worth the wait!

      Check out my IMM here

    24. Great Mailbox! I really enjoyed Bloodrose, hope you'll enjoy it too!
      Happy Reading!
      My IMM post
      A Beautiful Madness

    25. Great haul this week! Enjoy! Thanks for stopping by my IMM.

    26. I loved Variant! And I can't wait to read Fracture. Happy reading!

      My IMM

    27. So many great books this week! Bloodrose has one of the best covers I've seen, so far. Across the Universe was great, I hope you enjoy it. I still need to read The Things We Did.

      Happy reading!

      My IMM.

    28. You have such an awesome IMM! :) I still need to read Across the Universe, because everyone keeps saying it's great. Awesome Netgalley books. :D

    29. Such good books! I really want to read Stolen Away and Hereafter was such a fantastic read, I can't wait until the sequel.
      Happy reading!
      Check out my IMM at

    30. Yay for Bloodrose, Daimon and Half-Blood! :] I've read I Am Number Four and Across the Universe, both were great!

      You got an epic awesome mailbox this week. Many of those books look great. I hope you enjoy!

      Thanks for stopping by my IMM! You rock!
      Happy Reading!

      Jessirae @ Words, pages and books

    31. Your mom is super nice! How cool is that! You've got lots of great books in your mailbox, I'm so excited for you to read them =) I've finished Variant and it was good. I hope you'll like it too. Ten Things We Did! Yay! I loved it so much. Kim liked it but she said it's not that great. It's light and easy and fun to read so I hope you get to enjoy it as as much as I did. I had a lot of giggling moments when I read that book. Good luck! =) XOXO!

    32. Half-blood is so so good! I loved it! And Ten things we did was so so so funny!! :D Enjoy your reading :) :)

    33. Half-Blood is amazing!! I really really liked it and I hope you do too :)

      Happy Reading and thanks for stopping by my blog!!

    34. Great books this week! I'm in love with Jennifer L Armentrouts books! Hope you enjoy!!

    35. Looks like you had a good week! Yay for finally getting Across the Universe back! I've been meaning to read that one for a while myself! Also, hope that you like Hereafter as I loved it! hehe.

      Here's what I got In My Mailbox this week!


    36. Great IMM! I can't wait to read Stolen Away and Fracture was very good. I've also been super excited to read Variant and really need to read Nightshade, as I haven't yet!!

    37. Cool IMM! Can't wait to read your reviews.:)

    38. Awesome haul! I just got Bloodrose and am dying to read it!! Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

      Novelly Antithetical
