TBR Intervention is a weekly challenge hosted by Dani@RefractedLight, Anayami@Whatever You Can Still Betray & April@Books4Juliet

The goal of this challenge is to help each other (fellow readers and bloggers) manage our enormous and constantly growing TBR (To-Be-Read) List. The rules are simple and everyone is encouraged to participate. It does not force you to commit to more than what you can manage to read in a week or so, but participants are encouraged to read at least one book within a week. You are free to choose the book you want to read and commit to this challenge. You may post your entry every Saturday, at the frequency of your choice--EVERY WEEK or EVERY TWO WEEKS. However, we will sponsor this event regularly every Saturday.

Here are the rules:  

1. Post the book(s) you committed to read in your last TBR Intervention post and tell us something about it. Did you finish it? Did you enjoy it or not? Post the link to your review (if you have one).

2. Post a book that you want to read and already own. Pick something that has been sitting on your shelf for too long now (6 months or longer). Commit to read the book in the next couple of days or week.

3. Grab the TBR Intervention Button and post it on your blog sidebar so you will be constantly reminded of the challenge, making it easier for you to commit. This will also encourage other readers/bloggers/visitors to join the challenge.

4. Add the link to your post in the Linky below and make sure to visit the other blogs. Comment, encourage, and spread the love to our fellow readers.
Last weeks TBR books:
Author: Scott Westerfeld

I really enjoyed this book! Idk what it is with me. I automatically assume I'll hate a steampunk book (idk why) but then end up loving it! It was such a great mix of history and futuristic ideas. So many parts kept me on the edge of my seat.
Author: Jeri Smith-Ready

I loved this book!!! I loved it even more than I loved Shade! So many questions I had were answered in this book and I got a lot more Zack (even though some parts werent exactly nice to Aura). 

This week I'm committing to read:
Author: Heather Burch

Summary from Goodreads:
After being inexplicably targeted by an evil intent on harming her at any cost, seventeen-year-old Nikki finds herself under the watchful guardianship of three mysterious young men who call themselves halflings. Sworn to defend her, misfits Mace, Raven, and Vine battle to keep Nikki safe while hiding their deepest secret—and the wings that come with.

A growing attraction between Nikki and two of her protectors presents a whole other danger. While she risks a broken heart, Mace and Raven could lose everything, including their souls. As the mysteries behind the boys’ powers, as well as her role in a scientist’s dark plan, unfold, Nikki is faced with choices that will affect the future of an entire race of heavenly beings, as well as the precarious equilibrium of the earthly world.
I've had this Galley for probably about a month now and I really need to get to it before it expires. I dont know why I havent got around to it yet cuz I was really interesting in reading this. Lol. 


  1. When I first heard about steampunk and had it described to me I thought it sounded--umm unappealing. But I have loved almost every one I read except the Strange Case of Finley James but it was not the steampunk elements I did not like. In fact, the steampunk elements were the only parts I could stand!


  2. Steampunk rocks my socks. So glad you enjoyed Leviathan. I actually have Leviathan and Behemoth on my shelf, but have yet to read them. Sooo... I'm sure they'll show up eventually on a TBRIC :)

    I just got Shade for Christmas and I'm so excited to find out for myself just why so many people love it... and Zachary. ;) Good luck this next week!

  3. okay I really need to start doing these! I have so so many books on my shelf I'm still needing to read.. the library is so tempting. I may join in next week :)



  4. Congrats on finishing your TBR challenge! I am off to check out your reviews.

  5. Two books -- that's fantastic!
    I have also really enjoyed the Shade/Shift series.

  6. I've yet not really, really delved into Steampunk. But I keep telling myself that I need to. Perhaps I should check out Leviathan... The series gotten some good buzz, to be sure!

    I'm off to check your reviews and hopefully make a decision!

    Happy reading this upcoming week! I hope you enjoy your pick.

    Ron @ Stories of my life

  7. Yahoo for SHIFT! You know what, I loved Shift more than Shade too! Yay! That's why I'm so excited for Shine. I am really glad that you enjoyed the books, I am so thrilled. I get excited when I see people who enjoyed this series. Oh by way, have you checked the Kilt and Keeley's official website??? It's fantastic. You should see it =)

    Good luck with your books this week. I have Halflings on my TBR too, and I hope to read it soon. I would love to hear your thoughts about it. Good luck! Have fun reading =)
