Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. It was created due to their love of lists. 

This weeks topic is: Since my blog focuses on Young Adult books...
Top Ten Books I'd Recommend To Someone Who Doesn't Read Young Adult (YA)

1. Half-Blood by Jennifer L. Armentrout - OMG! If you haven't read Half-Blood or any of Jennifer's books in general drop everything and pick one up right now! She writes amazing books. Half-Blood was my first taste of her writing and I cant get enough. Awesome writer, awesome book!

2. City of Bones by Cassandra Clare - First book in The Mortal Instruments series and it is so amazing! I have not met one person who doesnt like Cassandra Clare's writing!

3. The Host by Stephenie Meyer - If your at all worried it's like Twilight, its not. Its nothing like it. It's very good! And after the first few pages it gets really interesting and you dont want to put it down!

4. The Statistical Probability of Love At First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith - This book is such a cute read. If you like short contemporaries and like cute stories about people falling in love this book is a good place to start!

5. Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins - This is my fave young adult contemporary! Its just pure amazing! If you dont start with TSPOLAFS (above #4) then I HIGHLY HIGHLY suggest you start with Anna. Ehh. I actually suggest you start with Anna anyways because of how much I love it!

6. Unearthly by Cynthia Hand - I know a lot of people get tired of Angel books and give up on them but this is one everyone should read! It's one of the best Angel books I've read and if you were to start reading Angel books I'd suggest Unearthly first!

7. Divergent by Veronica Roth - Dystopian! If you wanna read a really amazing YA Dystopian I suggest you start with Divergent! I couldnt put this book down!

8. Uglies by Scott Westerfeld - This is another dystopian but it's completely different from others and I have proof people who dont read YA would like it. I read it, then I bought a copy for my best friend and she loved the series and now her mom is reading it and loving it!

9. Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi - Another dystopian but again, its kind of different and its one that keeps you hooked from beginning to end!

10. Nevermore by Kelly Creagh - I don't know what to specifically classify this as but it is amazing! Especially if your a fan of Edgar Allen Poe. Certain things in this book are based on his stories and he is just studied in general in this book. It is amazing!


  1. Awesome list. You make me want to read all of your recommendations. Everything looks really good. Thanks for sharing. =]
    Here is My Top Ten

  2. There are a couple on your list I've read such as Divergent and City of Bones. Great list! There are lots of books on it that I am dying to read :)

    Here's Mine:

  3. What a good list - so many books I have in my TBR pile here! Looks like I'll be enjoying them!

    Tara @ Hey, Tara

  4. Divergent and Uglies are 2 books I hope to get to soon. Thanks for this list!

  5. Great list! I loved Statistical, and Anna, of course. Divergent is fabulous.

    I haven't read Unearthly, but it's sitting in my TBR pile.

    Laura @ The Traveling Owl

  6. Great list!! I loved all of them! Well, maybe I didn't like much Nevermore, but the others are all awesome!! :) ;)

  7. I've never heard of Nevermore, but I love Poe so I'll check it out. Great choices for the others!


  8. I have heard amazing things about The Statistical Probability of Love At First Sight and Divergent. Will have to give them a try. Great list :-)

    New follower by the way :-)

  9. ooooooo wonderful list!!!! i agree with your numero uno!!!! i love all things Jennifer!!!!

    Tara and her giveaway

  10. I've read and loved 2, 3, 8, and 9. And I think I might have to read Half-Blood now (because you said so). I love seeing the variety of everyone's lists!!

    My Top Ten
