Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality as a way to share all the books we got during the week!

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. Its a weekly post to showcase what books you got, recap the week, and talk about what will be coming up this week on the blog!

So this was my only buy this week. Honestly, I wasn't even sure I was going to read this after giving Warcross barely a 3.5 stars earlier this year. But I just had this gut feeling when I was at Barnes & Noble to buy it and give it a chance. I'm so glad I did. I thought Wildcard blew Warcross out of the water. It was 100% better for me. And it's the first Marie Lu ending I actually don't hate! YAY!!! 

Thank you Abrams & NetGalley! So I didn't even know this book existed until it started popping up on my timelines a few weeks ago. So when I saw it on NetGalley after having read what it was about I was like yeah, lets request it. And I got approved. I already started it and so far I'm enjoying it. Plus how cool does the cover look! It comes out in a little over 2 weeks. Look for my review around release day! 

So this week had everything to be a great reading week with lots of books... Up until Wednesday, I'll get to that a little later. But this week I read 2 full books. So first I read Wildcard by Marie Lu. I really loved it. Compared to Warcross, it was 100% better. 5 starred Wildcard. And it's the first Marie Lu ending I've actually enjoyed. WOOT! I was iffy on whether I wanted to read Wildcard in the first place, and I'm really glad I did decided to. Worth it! I also finally read The Cruel Prince by Holly Black!!! And I really enjoyed that as well! Definitely a bit different with the amount of genuine dark and wicked things going on in that book. I gave it a 4.5. I also gave Furyborn by Claire Legrand a 4th try this week and I'm done. I got to about 33% and I can't. I DNF'ed it. I tried guys. I really wanted to like this book and the prologue was so promising but it just fell super flat for me. I did write up a DNF review for it since I did read over 150 pages in it. That'll go up in October. I did start The Last of August by Brittany Cavallaro but only got about 40 pages in. 

So, I probably could have read more than 2 books this week like I mentioned above, but.... I got sick. My in-laws got back from their cruise in Alaska last Saturday and my mother-in-law brought home a cold. Unfortunately despite her best efforts not to, she got both me and James sick. They stayed at our apartment since they got in at like 9:30PM and didn't wanna drive 2 hours home. So since about Wednesday on I've been dealing with a cold. It really hit Thursday night with the stuffy nose and coughing and everything and has yet to let up (Friday Night/Saturday Morning). So I've been on Dayquil and Nyquil trying to knock this cold out. And it's definitely had an effect on my reading. The constant pressure from my stuffy nose is making focusing on reading difficult. Hopefully I can knock the cold out this weekend. 

Guys... It's so quiet. Like I mentioned, the in-laws got back from their cruise last week and when they headed home, we let Ana go with them. She's been asking to go to Nana's house for weeks now so we figured since they were gonna stay here after they got in, they could just take her when they went home. It's so quiet in the apartment without a toddler running out every five minutes or constantly wanting to play. Lol. But she is having such a great time with Nana and Granddad. They have a sandbox for her, a fun water play table, lots of areas for her to use sidewalk chalk and lots of toys for her to play with. We've been getting pictures and video called them once so far and she's having a lot of fun. She was so excited to show us all her toys and the 3 new outfits Nana bought her on the call. We miss our little girl but we're also happy we're getting a small break. It gives us a chance to deep clean the apartment and have a little one on one time, which is rare when you have a kid. LOL. 

Last but not least, I totally forgot to tell you guys this last week! But I completed my Goodreads Challenge! Honestly, I wasn't expecting to hit it this early. With how the year started, I was sure I'd be struggling to read 75 by the end of the year. But looky!! LOL. At least now I can feel comfortable setting it at 100 or higher like I used to for next year. 

  • Review: Three Dark Crowns (Three Dark Crowns #1) by Kendare Blake
  • New Releases: Week of September 25, 2018
  • Top Ten Tuesday: Books By My Favorite Authors That I Still Haven't Read
  • Review: Wildcard (Warcross #2) by Marie Lu
  • Discussion
  • Review: The Cruel Prince (The Folk of the Air #1) by Holly Black
Ok guys, I plan on posting a discussion this upcoming week but I'm tossing around a few ideas and haven't decided which to settle on yet. Will update when I decide! :)


  1. Congrats on completing your challenge! I’m not sure I’m going to finish mine. I hope Ana has tons of fun with her grandparents. Feel better soon!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Thanks! I hope you do! :D Well she seems to be so far! She loves hanging out with Nana and Granddad! Plus they have all her big toys that we can't keep in the apartment. So she gets to play with all those when she stays with them. So she's happy. Thanks! Colds suck!

  2. Too bad you didn't like Furyborn because it's one of my most favorite books but it happens to everyone. Don't feel bad about not finishing it, if you don't like it you should move on to books you will like. ^_^

    My STS post

    Happy Reading! ♥

    1. It sucks! I really wanted to like it. I was so excited when I requested it because it sounded so good. And the cover and blurb for book 2 was released and they look and sound great as well! But I think 4 tries was completely fair. Thanks. Agreed! :)

  3. Well I hope you are feeling better soon. You have some great reads - enjoy! Anne - Books of My Heart

  4. Since I loved Warcross, I wonder what I will think about the sequel....Interesting!

    Congratulations on finishing your Goodreads Challenge so early!

    1. I hope you enjoy Wildcard! I thought it had such an amazing twist to the story.

      Thanks!! :)

  5. Congrats on the Goodreads Challenge!

    I'm sorry you got sick... just as you got the little one out of the house! (It always happens like that.) But enjoy your one on one time and having the place clean for the duration that she is gone. ;)

    1. Thanks!

      It's ok. Yes! Luckily she hasn't got the cold. So its good she went with them as they were getting over it because she definitely would have got sick if she was at home with us. Lol. We are!! It's been nice not having to pick up toys every 10 minutes. We love our little girl, but she sure is messy.

  6. I'm even more excited to read Wildcard now. Glad you loved it! Sorry you got sick, though.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Yes!! It was really good!!! :) It's ok! I'm just glad we avoided getting Ana sick!

  7. Congrats on hitting your mark on the challenge! Get well soon. We are on the flu season too, thanks to the season!

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

    1. Thanks! Oh yeah. Once we get over this cold, we need to go in to get a flu shot.

  8. Congratulations on completing your Goodreads challenge :)
    I hope you get well soon. Seems like you had a busy week overall. I can understand how it can be quite lonely and also can be a little relaxing at the same time :D
    I hope you enjoy all of your new books.

    My wrap-up:

    1. Thanks! :) Definitely. I mean, its super quiet and we miss Ana, but we're definitely enjoying being able to keep the apartment clean for more than like 5 minutes and getting some extra sleep. We'll be all energized and refreshed when she comes home! Thanks!

  9. Wow! I have yet to read Warcross but I am glad you thought Wildcard was way better!

    Check out what I got this week - Ashley @ Oh Hey! Books.

    1. Oh definitely. Warcross was really predictable to me. It had a great story line, I just saw most of it coming. But Wildcard went a completely different direction that I expected and wasn't even close to predictable like Warcross. Definitely better! :)

  10. I saw Beneath the Citadel on NetGalley but refrained from requesting it! I told myself I wouldn't request another book until my rating was back above 80%. I'm almost there, too... 76%. Whoop! I got a little click-happy a few months ago and overloaded myself. Book blogger problems, right?

    Congratulations on meeting your Goodreads goal! You have a lovely blog -- following via Bloglovin'!
    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear?

    1. LOL. Woot! So close! I'm at 72%! I've been a lot more picky this year. I honestly used to request without thinking about it but I've cracked down. Only requesting things I really want to read. Most of the time if I have a lot of NetGalley books at once it's cuz a bunch of requests got approved at the same time. LOL. Definitely book blogger problems!! LOL. We can't help it with the review copies sometimes! :D

      Thanks! Aww. Thank you! I'll have to go check out your blog now! :)

  11. New follower here :)

    Congrats on completing your Goodreads challenge! I set my bar really low this year and I still don't think I'm going to finish. :( I wish I could just do nothing but read all day! Alas, I am also a toddler mom, so that will never happen... lol.

    Here's my weekly wrap-up: { The Sunday Post }: September 23, 2018

    1. Aww. Thanks for following! :)

      Thanks! That was actually me setting it low. The year started off pretty bad for reading. My original goal was like 110 or 115. But I didn't read much in the first 3 months so I lowered it. I was actually pleasantly surprised I hit it already. Don't we all!!! That would be so nice and relaxing! LOL. Right. Haha. I do most of my reading at night right after my 3 year old goes to bed. I'm using her being at her grandparents right now to get extra reading in. LOL.

  12. Brit how exciting to have some adult chill out time. I'm envious. The only adult time we get is when he's at school and he only goes twice per week 😪

    I unfortunately do not have a baby sitter to mind him, and apart from my Mum I can't leave him with anyone else, let alone for a few days. I would love to go away for the weekend, just Hubs and I.

    1. Yes!! It doesn't happen often, but we really enjoy it when it does.

      Ah. We're really lucky that James parents are retired and have a lot of extra room at their house now. They can literally take Ana at the drop of a hat if need be. It's definitely been nice having some one on one time. We love our little girl, its nice getting some time just for each other once in a while.

  13. Woohoo on completing the GR challenge! I doubt I'll reach mine this year unless I find a series that I binge on...

  14. Sorry you felt sick! And congrats on finishing your goal. My goal was 75 this year, as well, but it was not to be. There's always next year!
