Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality as a way to share all the books we got during the week!

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. Its a weekly post to showcase what books you got, recap the week, and talk about what will be coming up this week on the blog!

No New Books This Week!!!

It was a good reading week! I ended up getting 4 books read! 2 of them advanced copies! So I started off by finishing last weekend with Beneath The Citadel by Destiny Soria. It was a solid 4 star read. Interesting story line. Then I read Origin and Opposition by Jennifer L. Armentrout. The 4th and 5th books in the Lux Series. Ahhh. So amazing. Absolutely loved them. Both 5 stars. And then to finish of the week, I read my advanced copy of The Darkest Star by Jennifer L. Armentrout, the first book in the spin-off series from the Lux Series featuring Luc. And I really enjoyed that as well. Also a 5 star. Wow, I was not expecting some of those twists JLA threw at us in The Darkest Star. I'm still wrapping my head around that. 

Ana's home! She had such a good time at Nana and Granddad's but she's happy to be home. She's loving all the mommy and daddy cuddles. And being back home with all her toys of course. Lol. She's super happy being home. And she's very excited for this upcoming Wednesday. This Wednesday is when we've decided to go to the pumpkin patch and she cannot stop talking about it! She keeps asking us every day if it's time to go to the pumpkin patch yet. It's so great having her home. We loved our break but we missed her. 

And in more good news, remember over a month ago when I told you guys our microwave quit and we finally got maintenance to come determine if we needed a new one. Well our new one finally came in this week! We have a working microwave again! And this one is modern!!! Guys, seriously, the old one was from the 80's. Like it legit said on the inside, made in 1984. LOL. It's so nice having a modern microwave with buttons and a digital display instead of vague knobs and timers. LOL. And it works like 100% better than that old one!!! :D :D :D The simple thing that make you happy as an adult! Lol. 

  • Review: Origin (Lux #4) by Jennifer L. Armentrout
  • Review: A Darker Shade of Magic (Shades of Magic #1) by V.E. Schwab
  • New Releases: Week of October 16, 2018
  • Review: Tower of Dawn (Throne of Glass #6) by Sarah J. Maas
  • Discussion
  • Review: The Case For Jamie (Charlotte Holmes #3) by Brittany Cavallaro


  1. Congrats on reading 4 books and getting a new microwave! I’m impressed that a microwave from 1984 lived so long. Actually, the refrigerator in my basement might be that old. It looks ancient. Maybe appliances were just made better in the past.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Thanks! And right!!! LOL. But I guess in an apartment it might not have got as much use as maybe one constantly being used in a house. But hey, I'm definitely happy we have a new modern one now. I feel like our apartment has moved on from the 80's!! LOL. Maybe. I wouldn't doubt that one bit.

  2. I think my microwave is going to die soon because it's acting up but I don't want to go buy a new one before this one dies. It's also pretty old so I'm just expecting it to explode or something lol

    1. That sucks. Luckily we're in an apartment and they had to replace it for us since all the apartments come with microwaves. LOL. The old one they had to replace honest to god scared the shit out of us. We put something in to heat up and all of a sudden there was this huge electrical popping sound from it and it shut off and stopped working right. Freaked me and James out since we were standing in the kitchen right next to it.

  3. Glad to hear you've got a working microwave again...It's one of the kitchen appliances that I don't want to have to live without myself.

    Hope you have a great weekend. - Katie

    1. Thanks! It was such a pain! So many simple snacks are microwaved and it was just so tedious having to do those things on the stove. Not to mention we had to waste more electricity with the stove over the microwave. I'm so glad we have a new one.

  4. :O More books in the Uglies series? I absolutely loved the original trilogy when it came out. Need to see how these latest two compare

    1. Yes!! More Uglies books!!! :D :D The original books in the series are some of my all time faves!!! So I was excited to get more books as well!!!

  5. Wow! A microwave from 1984 - I'm surprised that one lasted long, haha. Most that my family used have all broke within a decade.

    1. RIGHT!!! We were shocked about it when we first moved into our apartment 3 years ago. LOL.

  6. I had to buy a new microwave recently. My son would starve without it. LOL Have a wonderful time on your fall outing:)

    My Sunday Post

    1. LOL. So many snacks are microwavable now. It's hard not having one. Thanks!

  7. I can't believe it's taken so long for them to replace it but I'm glad to hear you finally have your new microwave!
    I've never been to a pumpkin patch - they haven't really been in a thing in the UK - but I'm seeing more and more of the cropping up now so I think this year I'm going to take the little dude to pick his own. It sounds so much fun! Hope you have a great time!

    1. Right! But the maintenance people had to wait for it to come in. I guess it was the waiting for it to show up that took the longest.

      So much fun!!! You should definitely take him! My daughter absolutely loves it every year! Thanks!

  8. Glad to hear you got so much reading done this week! I finished reading Juno Dawson's clean which is a great book if you haven't already read it yet. I just finished reading three dark crowns and I can see you are reading that series too! What do you think of it? Have fun at the pumpkin patch that sounds like a wonderful day out!

    My Weekly Round-Up:

    1. Yes! All of JLA's books are such quick reads so I just flew through them! Yes!! I'm loving the Three Dark Crowns series!!! It is definitely darker than I had expected going in. But soo good!!! Thanks! :)

  9. Hope you have a lovely time!! You've just reminded me I need to start that Sarah J Maas series... lol I have all the books, just need the time. x

    Here's my Sunday Wrap Up Post. Hope you can drop by!

    1. Thanks! LOL. Yes. I finally kicked my butt into gear to read it when I saw a readalong start for it to prepare for Kingdom of Ash. LOL

  10. Yay to the new microwave. Kudos on reading 4 books and posting 7 days a week. And that with a toddler. YOu are inpiring. Have a great week.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

    1. Yes!! Thanks!! The having posts everyday or almost everyday is thanks to scheduling ahead. It makes it where I always have something posted. Haha. I credit this weeks reading to having 3 really fast paced books that I read most of in like an hour or two after my daughter went to bed for the night. Lol. Thanks! Have a great week as well! :)

  11. oh look at all the awesome books you read and will review next week! I can't believe I still haven't read Darker Shade of Magic or Throne of Glass! Hope you enjoy your new microwave!

    1. Thanks! We are enjoying the new microwave. It's so much better. We can even tell the difference in cooking. You definitely should start them. Especially Throne of Glass with the last book in the series coming out in a week.

  12. Sounds like a great week! We could use a new microwave. But it works well enough. I'm trying to work my way thru Thrones of Glass, bt I'm barely started. ARCs take up lots of my time for now. Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. Thanks! We pretty much used ours until it broke. Lol. You'll get there. I'm dragging my feet through book 6 (Tower of Dawn). I really should have had it finished by now but I'm just going so slow for some reason. Yeah. ARCs tend to do that. LOL. I actually put off Tower of Dawn so I could get my 2 October ARCs read and reviewed first. Wanted to get ahead on them this month!
