Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality as a way to share all the books we got during the week!

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. Its a weekly post to showcase what books you got, recap the week, and talk about what will be coming up this week on the blog!

Yeah, so obviously I was buying Kingdom of Ash this week. LOL. The better question is who didn't?? LOL. But I also got to pick up another October release I really wanted as well! I'm so excited to read it since it's got such amazing reviews. 

So this week I got another surprise package from Scholastic with another middle grade novel. It sounds really interesting though. So I definitely think I'll give it a try. 

So this week I haven't finished anything. I know. Shame shame. I started two book, just didn't finish them yet. LOL. So I've been reading One Dark Throne by Kendare Blake. I should be done this one this weekend. I also started Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J. Maas! I'm about 200 pages in so far. I was hoping to be farther, but I woke up with a migraine both Thursday and Friday. So my reading has seriously suffered. As long as I don't wake up with one either day this weekend, I'm gonna try and have myself a mini-readathon to get myself caught up on my reading that I was trying to get done this week. 

This weekend/upcoming week is gonna be fun! Me and Ana are gonna bake Halloween cupcakes. And we're all going to carve our pumpkins Sunday! So I'll definitely have pics next week. And of course Halloween itself is Wednesday. This year is going to be Ana's first year trick or treating. And mine and James first time being parents taking a kid out for trick or treating. LOL. Should be interesting. We're hoping Ana has a lot of fun. She also gets to go up to the front office on Halloween to get candy. They have a certain time every Halloween for all the residents kids to come up and be treated to candy. And we also heard Quiktrip is going to be giving out ice cream cones to kids 12 and under who come in in costume. We have 2 on our side of town so we might treat Ana to that before going trick or treating. Kids are freaking spoiled aren't they?? LOL. 

  • Review: One Dark Throne (Three Dark Crowns #2) by Kendare Blake
  • Review: The Forever Song (Blood of Eden #3) by Julie Kagawa
  • New Releases: Week of October 30, 2018
  • Top Ten Tuesday: Halloween Freebie
  • Review: Kingdom of Ash (Throne of Glass #7) by Sarah J. Maas
  • October Wrap-Up & November TBR
  • Review: A Very Large Expanse of Sea by Tahereh Mafi


  1. I've been that tired I haven't read for two weeks now which is frustrating but I know it'll pass soon. I'm lucky not to get migraines, just ordinary headaches so you have my sympathy for suffering them. Hope we both have a good reading week!

    1. I used to get just headaches, but the past 2-3 years they've progressed into full on migraines. A lot of it I know is caused by the heat in AZ. If I lived in a colder state, I don't think I'd get them as often. I hope we both have a good reading week as well! :D

  2. I wish I got surprise books. I only get surprised when I forget how many I bought and then my order shows up. Enjoy the candy and cupcakes! Have a great Halloween.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I'm genuinely so surprised. Scholastic is the first publisher that's started sending me surprise books instead of just ones I requested. HAHAHA. OMG. LOL. I can't buy so many I forget what I ordered. LOL. We'd never pay the bills if I did that. Thanks! Have a great Halloween as well! :)

  3. I also bought A Very Large Expanse of Sea! I read that one as an ARC and I loved it so much I had to have a finished copy

    Here's my Stacking The Shelves

    1. WOOT!! I bought it because of all the praise it got from the ARCs. I love Tahereh's writing and as soon as the immensely positive reviews started coming in for AVLEOS I knew I had to get it!

  4. I'll be getting Kingdom of Ash. I just wasn't in a rush since I'm not caught up yet. It sounds like a fun week ahead. Enjoy! I hope you are able to fit in some reading. Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. I definitely understand that. Lol. I was that way when A Court of Frost and Starlight releases earlier this year and everyone was all over it but I was just barely starting the series. Lol. Yes! It's definitely gonna be fun! I plan on it! I really wanna finish KoA, and the third Three Dark Crowns book before the 31st. So I'm gonna push to finish strong!

  5. Replies
    1. You must definitely be in the minority then. It's from the Throne of Glass series. And the Throne of Glass series is legit like all the rage! I'd definitely suggest trying it! :)

  6. It will be a fun Halloween for you and your family! Enjoy!

  7. I hope you guys have fun during Halloween with Ana. Have a great week.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

    1. Thanks! We plan on it! Have a great week as well! :)

  8. I have four books going right now. So don't feel bad about the two. I am hoping tonight I finish Sadie. We shall see. Sounds fun making cupcakes and pumpkin carving. Have a wonderful week.


    1. Wow. I had that many earlier this year. I try to keep it at 2, 3 max. But sometimes I just start a lot. LOL. I'm proud of myself for only being in the middle of two right now! Ohhhh. I'll definitely be interested to hear your thoughts on it! I know a lot of people loved it! I really wanna get a copy at some point. Yes! Lots of Halloween themed fun this week!! :D Have a wonderful week as well! :)

  9. Sorry to hear about the migraine. Those are the worst!!
    It sounds like you're up for a great week. Enjoy Halloween and Happy Reading!
