In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren where we share new books we bought, received, won etc.

Secret Santa Gifts:
  • Fateful by Claudia Gray
  • Some other fun stuff including a pad of Bookmarks (that you can write on and take notes on n stuff)
All that thanks to Cecelia at The Adventures of Cecelia Bedelia. I love your gifts! Thank you so much!

Library Haul:

Thanks to NetGalley, Harlequin & Flux!

     My friend Shay gave me this stuff. Its so cute! Ok, so I have an obsession with sock monkey so she got me a sock monkey. And guess what it sings and dances! It sings and dances to Tik Tok by Kesha. The feather earrings have little skulls on them and the lanyard has music notes! and the thing on the side has brownie mix! :D

    **Fair warning to everyone. I will have an IMM next week but it wont be up until afternoon next sunday (which I know is a big change seeing as I usually post my IMM the night before)**

    Whats in your mailbox?


    1. Really nice haul. Enjoy your new books. Great job. Particulary like your library haul. Good books. My mail box post will be up tommorrow.

      Livre De Amour-Books of love Blog

    2. Great IMM! I have Fateful to read on my shelf I must crack it open.


    3. Wither was so good! I can't wait to read Fever. Fateful was also really good! I hope that you enjoy your new books!

      Ladybug Storytime

    4. Awesome haul! Your library has a good selection of books. :) I love Wither and XVI was really good. Happy reading!

    5. Looks like you got some great stuff. :) I've read Wither and I quite liked it. I have XVI on my shelf. Still haven't gotten to that yet.

      Fateful looks very pretty, and the other goodies with it look cute.

      And what is Sock Monkey? When I saw that I thought it was a sackboy from Little Big Planet.

      All in all, looks like you had an awesome week. :)

    6. Hearing great things about Fateful! and y ou got Wither omg! awesome books you got here!

      Care to check out my IMM this week?

      Jay @ We Fancy Books

    7. I really like Wither and XVI. Hope you like them!
      Great IMM!

      Janus @ The Blair Book Project

    8. Aren't secret santas fun? I enjoyed XVI and Soul Screamers (I believe I'm on the third one currently). And I want to read Wither one day... Great haul!

      My IMM

    9. Some great books there, especially your library haul. The Soul Screamer books are some of my favorite so I hope you enjoy that one! :)

      My IMM

    10. Great books! I loved Wither. I haven't read XVI yet but just received a copy last week so I am excited about reading it. I hope you enjoy your books! Happy Reading :)

      Thanks for stopping by Book Cover Justice :)

    11. Nice haul!!

      I absolutely love sock monkeys and have about 5 of them! In various states of chewed-up-ness because my dogs think they are their toys! (And it makes me very sad!)

    12. Fateful sounds awesome, and I loved Wither! I hope you enjoy it too.

      My IMM is here if you'd like a look :)

    13. Awesome mailbox this week. New Girl looks really good. Oh and I loved Fateful! Happy reading!

      Stop by my IMM!

    14. I haven't read Wither, but I've heard great things about it. I love the cover!! I can't wait to read Soul Screamers!! I've heard the series is pretty good!! Great mailbox! Thank you for sharing them!!

      Books For All Seasons

    15. Oooh! Looks like you had such a good week this week! I've read the first in the Soul Screamers and it was really good so I hope that you enjoy them too! Can't wait to read New Girl and Fateful so enjoy them!! =]

      Congrats on the big win =D

      Looks like you had a good haul this week! And I know what you mean about Christmas shoppers! I am soooo glad I don't work over the Christmas period anymore. I could never deal with the stress of it! Luckily it'll be over for you soon!

      On another note: Can't wait to read Haunting Violet myself!! =]

      Here's what I got In My Mailbox this week! =]


    16. I loved Wither and I hope you will too :D

      Diana @The Lovely Getaway

    17. Awesome haul this week! I love the cover of Wither. Enjoy and Happy Reading! Thanks for visiting!

    18. Hey, those are great stuff! I love your cute monkey and the rest of those little ones you've got! I ordered Soul Screamers but it hasn't arrived yet. I hope to get it before Christmas :/

      Merry Christmas! =)

      xoxo, April
      P.S. I sent the card for you... hope it gets there on time =)

    19. awesome! I really want to read all books you get, =D, well, i already read Wither, it's amazing! and aawwww very cute stuff! xD

      Enjoy your book, and thanks for stopping by my blog =)

    20. How cool we are both reading Clockwork Prince at the same time! :)) Although I think half of the world is reading it on this time lol :P
      Ohh Wither! Soul Screamers they all said it's great! And about XVI I've heard the dystopian story is quite amazing!
      So many awesome books this week! Enjoy them! ;)

    21. You got some really cute Secret Santa gifts!! And I absolutely loved Wither and the Soul Screamers series is fantastic as well! I'm firmly Team Tod :) Hope you enjoy your books!

    22. Aww those gifts are so cute :), I really want Fatefull, i'ts so cool you got Wither too!. I hope you enjoy them all and thanks for stopping by :).

    23. Awesome haul! I am especially digging your library books! Thanks for sharing and thanks for stopping by my blog.
